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"IF WE LOCKED IN AINT NO SWITCHING UP, BRODIE CAME UP HOME WENT TO PICK HIM UP!," Nairobi yelled over the loud music as she sat in a section in the club.

She didn't know if they felt wrong about their slight disagreement at breakfast, but the twins had invited her to go out with them that night to a section they had for one of their close friend's birthday. She was happy with the invite because her brothers usually refused to bring her out with them, but she didn't really know how much she was going to really like the club.

Since she got there she had been chilling with Mook's girlfriend Diamond in the section waiting for her brothers to come back from doing whatever had required them to go to the owner's office.

This was only one of the few times that Nairobi got to be around Mook's girlfriend because they were kind of a fresh relationship and he didn't really bring her around. Initially, she was annoyed with her brothers for leaving her alone with the girl, but she had turned out to be cool so far. Although at the moment she still would have preferred Shadae and Raelynn in the section with her.

Her brothers said she was asking for too much, and she wasn't even old enough to be in the club so she decided to take what she could get.

"Your brother gonna be mad at me if I get you too drunk?" Diamond turned to ask her as they brought out the first round of shots.

Nairobi thought about it then shrugged, "Oh well," She picked up the shot off of the tray.

Diamond laughed picking up her shot too, "Welp cheers," She tapped her glass with Nairobi's.

They both threw the shot of Patron back, wincing at the taste. "Gahh Damn," Diamond winced as she sat the glass back down.

Nairobi set her cup down grabbing her phone out of her back pocket to read the text that was coming through.

"Wassup Nai, I ain't know yo ass was gonna be here," Boog spoke has he walked into the section.

"Hey Jacobi!" She stood up to give him a hug, calling him by his real name.

"Where yo brothers at they got me pulling up and they ass nowhere to be found." He questioned looking around.

Nairobi shrugged, "I don't know somewhere in the back with Mike," She responded referring to the club owner.

"Aight imma just chill here with yall," He spoke sitting down next to Nairobi.

One thing Nairobi admired about Boog was that he quickly found out that street life wasn't for him and changed his lifestyle. Originally he was involved in business with her brothers, but shortly after they graduated his younger cousin was shot and killed over street beef. After that, he got out of the game.

He now owned his own tattoo shop, and from what she had heard it was doing pretty well.

"So wassup with you and ole boy? You single for real or yall on that back and forth shit?" He questioned, serious about pursuing her.

Nairobi shook her head, "No, I'm single." She stated matter of factly.

"Mhm, ain't look like that the other night," He teased even though he was serious.

She shrugged, "Well was together for years so know how that go," She said giving a short answer, while she knew he was trying to pursue her she also didn't feel the need to explain herself.

"I definitely know how that go," he shook his head. " Well ima take your word, so if you single for real let me take you out when you free."

She thought about it for a moment, "I gotta check my schedule for the week and imma let you know."

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