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A week later Nairobi sat outside of the county jail waiting for Kaier to exit. After finally being given a bond, which of course his father quickly paid, he was released. She now awkwardly stood beside his father who to her surprise had shown up for his son's release. In the past few days, the conversations that Nairobi had with him were very brief, him only informing her of his court day and ensuring her that he was okay.

After his brief stay the previous year, the jail wasn't an unfamiliar place to him. Still, Nairobi hated that he was in the situation more importantly she hated that it was a result of her. Obviously, she had informed him that retaliation was the last thing she wanted however, she knew that her statement fell on deaf ears. While she felt somewhat guilty, she was more than upset with Kaier for finding himself with a pending murder charge. At the moment she was finding it very hard to hide her irritation, yet still, here she was, waiting for the doors to open.

Kaier appeared through the doors, his expression seemingly unmoved by his arrest. Nairobi stood silently as she watched him approach his father, they quickly exchanged conversation, his father visibly upset with him. He nodded before dapping up his father and heading her way, as always his tall frame towered over her. Immediately her crossed arms and stoic expression let him know that his father wasn't the only person unhappy with his arrest. "Wassup?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

She nodded back at him offering no verbal response before passing him the keys to his car and getting into his passenger side. Kaier sighed already mentally exhausted from the past seven days, he didn't expect her to be bouncing off the walls to see him but he wasn't prepared for her shortness. After a week, he was hoping for a better greeting than he received. He swiftly walked around the car getting in the driver's seat before cranking the engine and pulling off.

"You know you didn't have to come get me," he spoke breaking the silence that was awkward for him. One thing he could never stand was being on the outs with Nairobi, he could fight the world, but when it came to her, he needed them to be right. She shrugged, her head deep into whatever occupied her attention on her phone.

"I didn't know that your Dad was coming," she stoically replied.

He nodded, surprised at his father's presence as well. "Well, I appreciate it," he replied looking over as he still attempted to read her demeanor.

"Yep," she nodded still never offering him eye contact.

Kaier chuckled, "Is we beefing or something Nai?", he raised an eyebrow.

She shook her head, not offering a verbal response. He smacked his lips at her stubbornness his patience running thin, more than anything he hated to feel ignored. A result of going constantly unseen and unheard by his own parents. He grabbed her phone from in front of her face placing it in his lap, receiving a glare from Nairobi. "You know I hate that ignoring shit. What is your problem?" He questioned returning her glare as he looked between her and the road.

"I'm not ignoring you Kaier. I answered your questions I just don't have shit to say right now. Don't act like you give a fuck to listen to me now," she responded finally revealing to him the root of her problem.

Kaier sighed shaking his head, "Nairobi I always listen to you. Do I not?"

"If you did would we be pulling out of the county jail?," She quickly snapped in response, cocking her head to the side for added effects.

Kaier snapped his neck back, "I already told you, you didn't have to come get me Nairobi so what is the issue?" He questioned not getting her point, in turn annoying her even more.

She rolled her eyes, "You never get the fucking point Kaier. Me picking you up don't have shit to do with anything. It's the fact that you were even in there in the first place for some shit I told you not to do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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