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Nairobi sat in her car mentally preparing herself for Kane's funeral. After the argument with Kaier, she stayed at her mom's house for a few more hours before heading back to campus. Kaier had reached out to her to apologize but she offered him no response.

She wouldn't say that she was still mad at him for what he said to her. If anyone knew the things that death made you do it was Nairobi. Because of that, she decided not to hold it against him, but she couldn't say her feelings weren't hurt. It had her up late night thinking about what other people thought of her. She never wanted Kaier to feel like she was trying to change our control him. Truthfully he was right in some of his words, ever since losing her dad she was constantly afraid of losing anyone else.

After losing her cousin, and seeing him dead in front of her. Her fears only intensified.

Nairobi knew that she would never forgive herself if she hadn't shown up to support him, so here she was. She had waken up early in the morning to make it back in time.

She blew out a breath finally deciding to exit her car when she saw Noah get out of his. "Wassup Nai," He smiled sending her a wave. She returned it walking over to him.

"How is he?" She questioned, as he threw his arm around her guiding them into the funeral home.

Noah blew a breath shrugging, "I think he cool, he fucked up of course. But you know Kai not gonna show it. Both of y'all the same stubborn as fuck," He teased. "You know he ain't mean that shit though?" Noah questioned. "He said he hit you up to apologize."

Nairobi nodded her head, "I know. I just needed space. I'll talk to him after." She assured him.

They walked into the home, Nairobi saw Kaier at the end of the hall leaned against the wall. "I'm going to go check on him," She nodded towards where he stood.

"Aight I'm finna go to the bathroom before it start," He agreed.

As she walked closer she could tell that he was staring off into space. She slowly walked in front of him his low eyes shifting to her. "Hey," She spoke lowly waving. Instead of a verbal response he nodded. She eyed him over, his long locs in a high bun, his black suit tailored to fit perfectly.

"You gonna go in?" She nodded towards the open doors where more and more people were filling in.

Kaier shook his head, "Nah, I think ima stay out here."

Nairobi blew out a breath, shifting on her feet, "You sure?"

"Yeah, I can't see him like that Nai," He shook his head.

"Yeah but trust me you'll want to see him one last time," She said. "I'll come with you." She assured him.

Kaier blew out a breath shaking his head, "Ion know."

Nairobi held out her open hands prompting him to put his hand in hers. Instead of following her lead, he pulled her into him, wrapping his large arms around her small frame. Nairobi was slightly shocked by the gesture but returned the hug. "I'm sorry," She spoke with her head in her chest.

She wasn't exactly sure what she apologizing for. She was sorry for a number of things, sorry that he had to experience such a great loss. Sorry that they had ended up in this position despite promises they made when they were kids. She couldn't explain it, but it felt like they were strangers and soulmates at the same time. Over the past year they had both changed so much, there was a lot of unspoken anger between both parties. But yet and still Nairobi was the only person who could calm his mind.

Kaier blew out a breath, "I'm sorry too," He lowly responded. His words, like Nairobi's holding many meanings.

They sat in each other's embrace, Nairobi taking in the strong scent of marijuana that engulfed his suit. She knew better than to lecture him on how he coped, at least not in this moment. During the first few months after her fathers death, he never judged her. He sat with her in her grief, she was going to do her best to do the same for him.

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