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It had been an entire week since, Nairobi last saw Jacobi and her and still his threat hung over her head like a cloud.

Nairobi decided against having any further contact with him after the incident.

She was usually able to forgive and forget but after the threat to expose her to her own brothers. Nairobi saw Jacobi in a completely different light, angry or not she didn't take the threat lightly and she didn't appreciate that it was something he even thought about doing.

She knew that she was bound to run into him some time since he had of course still been spending time with her brothers. But she figured she would tackle that hurdle when she got there. Her friends had advised her to let her brothers in on the incident, and the harsh words that he had said, of course leaving out the video. However, Nairobi didn't want to cause any trouble in her brothers friendship.

Going into the "relationship" she knew that it was a possibility that it wasn't going to work and she would still be subjected to seeing him. Of course she had no idea that it would end in that way, but she was a big girl and she was going to deal with the consequences.

Despite mentally being not at her best, Nairobi had been feeling like shit. Originally she thought that she was suffering from a hangover or beginning her period but both of those things proved not to be true.

After being almost two weeks late, she was extremely stressed and near a mental breakdown.

She walked into her God sister's room dramatically throwing herself on the bed. "Kotah, I think I need a pregnancy test," She let out before she changed her mind.

Dakotah swiftly sat up in the bed, turning to look at her little sister. "What the fuck Nai?!" She said bewildered.

Nairobi drug a hand down her face, "I know, I know. It's been two weeks and I thought I was just stressed but I feel like shit."

"Well would it be Kai's or Boog's?" She questioned receiving a glare from Nairobi. "I'm just asking I gotta have all the details here," She waved her hands in surrender.

"Jacobi's bitch, I haven't fucked Kai in a damn year. Will you come with me or no?" She questioned just wanting to get it over with.

Dakotah nodded, " Of course Baby, come on."

Nairobi stood up sluggishly walking to her room to slip on the nearest shoes she could find. Dakotah met her at their front door, grabbing onto her hand. "Whatever it says, I gotchu," She assured her, noticing the scared look on her face.

After going to the store and returning, Nairobi slowly walked back into their apartment dreading knowing the truth. She already knew that if the test read that she was pregnant, she wouldn't be keeping it. Anyone could say what they wanted, but Nairobi had goals and ambitions that she didn't want to navigate with a child involved. Getting pregnant and even thinking about an abortion was never in the cards for her college experience but she would have to roll with the punches if that was the outcome.

She sluggishly walked to her bathroom still feeling like shit as Dakotah followed behind her. "Okay you can come in," She half yelled after peeing on the stick and setting it down. As she stood up to wash her hands Dakotah appeared in the mirror.

"What you gonna do if it says yes?" She questioned her little sister, concern showing on her face.

Nairobi shrugged, "Get rid of it," she responded as if it was the obvious answer.

"Well, are you gonna tell Jacobi if you do?"

She nodded, already semi-gathering her thoughts about the situation before she even bought the test. "Yeah, I know he would never forgive me if I didn't," she sighed. "I really would rather not talk to him but it is what it is."

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