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Nairobi stood in Raelynn's apartment bathroom straightening her hair. As always Shadae and Raelynn were dragging her out the second she arrived back in her hometown.

Truthfully it hadn't taken much convincing considering how her last few weeks had been going. Her friends could always cheer her up when she needed it most.

Finally done straightening her last piece, she rapped to the Lil Durk that played through the apartment as she unplugged her straighteners. She walked into the living room to find her friends rolling up. "Ooo y'all read my mind," She cheesed plopping onto the couch beside Shadae.

"Umm, Kaier is going to be there," Shadae grimaced looking up from her phone.

Nairobi shrugged, "Okay I figured when you said Noah was coming,"

Shadae nodded, "Oh okay I didn't know if y'all had talked since the funeral."

Nairobi nodded, remembering that she hadn't got the chance to fill him in. "Yeah, he finally Facetimed me the other day."

"Anddd you and Jacobi? Did you talk to him when you got back to campus?" Raelynn asked wanting to know everything.

Nairobi sighed as she grabbed the freshly lit wood from her, "Girl yes but that shit went terrible," Her eyes rolled.

"Nooo," Shadae groaned dramatically. "I'm team Jacobi what happened?" She questioned.

"Since when are you team Jacobi?" Raelynn laughed scrunching her face.

"Since Kaier been out here fucking everybody in their momma," Shadae responded.

Nairobi raised an eyebrow, "Well I don't know anything about that, and he's very single so that's none of my business," She chuckled. "But I tried to apologize to Jacobi but I was kinda drunk and I fucked it up."

"So. Just apologize, I get into it with my niggas after the club all the time," Raelynn shrugged.

"Mhmm, he also wants me to cut off all communication with Kai," She muttered twisting her lips to the side.

"Anddd that's a problem because?" Shadae questioned. "If you don't have feelings for him anymore then what's the problem?"

"Girl you know she not finna cut that man off be for real," Raelynn interjected.

Nairobi's jaw dropped her eyes now low from the marijuana, "Ayee what is that supposed to mean?" She spoke even though she knew her friend was right.

Raelynn laughed at her friend's reaction, "I don't mean it in a bad way. I'm just saying you love Kai that's obvious. And nobody can tell you how to feel, love doesn't fade overnight," She shrugged.

"I get that Nai, but you don't want to move on? I know that you love Kai, I do. But don't you think it would be beneficial for you to at least try to move on with Jacobi? I think you deserve that pooh," Shadae added.

Nairobi sat in silence thinking before she spoke. "To be one hundred, I have no idea. I'm not in love with Kai I know that. But it doesn't mean that I'm okay with him not being in my life. I still have love for him you know? I also just feel like Jacobi doesn't trust me, and not even just around Kai but period. Anytime I'm out with Kotah, he starts some shit with me. If I let him tell me what to do I don't want him to think he can control me."

Shadae shrugged, "I get that. But I don't think it's necessarily controlling. He fucking with you so he don't want you to be in the presence of somebody you used to love or still love."

"I feel like he knew what he was signing up for when he started fucking with Nai." Raelynn interjected. "You tell Kai?" She questioned.

Nairobi shook her head, "Hell nah. I don't even know what ima do and I'm not telling him about my relationship problems, that's weird. But I didn't even get to the juicy part y'all."

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