Aeliana felt a stir next to her. Looking over, she noticed the doppelgänger was finally waking up.
"Ana? What happened?" Elena asked confused.
"They still have yet to answer a single question I've asked."
"Be quiet!" a man with short brown hair yelled over to the girls.
"What do you want?" Elena asked again, voice filled with fear.
The man hushed her.
"Please, I'm hurt," she tried to mumble out, still bloody from yesterday.
"I know. Just a taste," his face vamped out to take a bite, but was stopped by a a woman with short brown hair.
"Trevor! Control yourself!"
"Buzzkill." Trevor mumbles under his breath, walking out of the room.
"What do you want with me?" Elena keeps asking.
"Oh my god, you look just like her," Rose looked up and down at Elena's body.
"No shit, she's a doppelgänger," Aeliana pointed out with an eye roll, earning a look of annoyance from Rose.
Elena tried to defend herself. "But I'm not. Please, whatever you-"
"Be quiet!" Rose shouted again.
"But I'm not Katherine, my name is Elena Gilbert. You don't have to do this," she started to get up.
"I know who you are, I said be quiet."
"What do you want?" Elena asks again, persistently, which only earned her a slap across the face from Rose, knocking her unconscious.
"I want you to be quiet," Rose said again almost laughing.
"Was the slapping really necessary though?" Aeliana challenged the vampire, earning yet another look from Rose.
"Ok, no comment," Aeliana surrendered with her hands in the air.
Aeliana knew she could easily take Rose and Trevor on and get her and Elena out of there. She has her strength back due to the vervain hardly effecting her. However, something in her gut told her to just leave it be and stay.
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Aeliana shook Elena fully awake, being completely bored.
"Elena. Elena. Elena. Wake up. I'm really bored," the 1000 year old vampire whined.
"Aeliana, we were abducted. How are you so calm right now?"
"Honestly, something tells me I'm used to this," the girl shrugged.
"You're used to being kidnapped?" The brunette asked her with a raised brow. All Aeliana did was shrug in response.
They were interupted by voices upstairs. Aeliana shushed Elena and pushed her back down into the couch, signialling her to pretend she's still passed out as she tried to listen in.