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(AN: I know Aya was not alive until the 1200s in the show, but for the sake of my story, I changed things up. Also, I apologize in advance, because you guys are going to be so mad at me during this chapter, possibly for the next few to come. *laughs evilly* okay, enjoy)


Aeliana woke up again the following night, confused to as of why Elijah wasn't beside her. It wasn't like him to be gone without her two days in a row. She got up, this time taking the time to change into something more suitable. She tied her hair up with a ribbon and walked out of the room, listening carefully.

A few hallways over, she could hear giggling. Along with a laughter that sounded all too familiar to her. Aeliana rushed over to the room, mentally preparing herself for what she was about to see. However, when she opened the door, nothing could prepare her.

Elijah was laying in bed, kissing another women, who looked to almost be a goddess. Aeliana was utterly speechless, but he could sense a presence behind them and turned over. Once he realized who it was, he jumped out of the bed. She felt her heart sink to her stomach seeing that he wasn't even dressed.

"My sweet, please-"

Aeliana held up a hand to silence him. She wasn't sure if she even had the right to be mad, considering the thoughts she's had for Tristian lately. She was cursing herself for not noticing Elijah's attentions have also been elsewhere, being too wrapped up in her own head.

She closed the door and went to walk down the hall, Elijah rushing after her, clothes thrown on in a haste.

"Ana, talk to me. I promise you, I-"

"Elijah, I know what I saw. I will talk to you, I just," she paused and looked at him, noticing that they were both about to cry. "I just need some space."

He nodded. "Okay, space. I'll give you space."

Elijah stepped closer to her, sighing in relief when she didn't back up. "Come to me when you're ready. We both have much to talk about."

Aeliana swallowed a lump in her throat. "It seems we do."

They parted ways, and much to her dismay, Elijah walked off in the same direction as that unknown woman's room. She sighed and walked towards an all too familiar door.

She hesitated for a moment, listening in. Once she heard a heart beat, she sighed and opened the door and slowly made her way up the stair case. Once she made it outside, she could see Tristan standing at the balcony, looking to be deep in thought. He turned upon hearing the door, looking surprised to see her.

"I didn't think you'd come back after our conversation last night."

She stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do. When he realized he wasn't going to get a response, he started to walk over to her.

"What is troubling you, dear one?"

"I'm a complete fool, that's what's troubling me," she paused, seeing that he was still slowly walking over to her. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come."

Aeliana reached for the door, ready to leave, but was stopped by Tristan running over and shutting the door as she opened it. He leaned down, breathing softly down her neck.

"Aeliana, there's a reason you came. Stop holding back."

She turned around to face him, this time not as alarmed by the closeness.

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