Elijah and Aeliana were hiding a carriage, listening to the sound of Kol feeding on the poor man who was driving it.
"Kol, are you quite done?"
Rebekah, Nik and Finn were currently dragging their bodies to the cart, the others have finished feeding. Kol, however, always took the longest as he relished in what they were.
"Oh, bother, Elijah! Is all of this truly necessary?"
"Brother, the road is a major thoroughfare, if the bodies are found, word of our presence will spread to Mikael."
Aeliana and Rebekah have finished with hiding the bodies, the latter more annoyed than the former.
"We have run through autumn and winter, through sleet and snow. Are we cursed to forever live in fear of our father?"
"I should say yes, sadly." Aeliana looked over at Finn with a grim look, however, Elijah was annoyed with the siblings complaining. She couldn't blame them, though. She was also utterly exhausted.
"Finn, please. Niklaus-"
When he looked over to his brother for help, he was distracted by petting the horse that was hauling the carriage.
"Eli, where are we going to go now?" He looked over at his wife and wrapped an arm around her as Kol finally finished his feeding and sighed.
"Why not just do what we've all thought of doing? Split up!"
Aeliana rolled her eyes at Kol's statement. "What happened to always and forever?"
"We swore a vow!" Nik finally came over, finally joining in on the debate. The vow they made always annoyed Kol and Finn, the two of them never feeling as if they were truly apart of it.
"Your vows haunt me more than Father himself! At least he can't chase us all. I say we take our chances."
"Perhaps Kol is right-"
"Thank you, Finn! Yeah, I've always said, oldest is the most intelligent."
"Stop talking. I take no joy in our assent, but I do wish to sleep in a bed. To bathe in a bath, to feed of proper food. If we divide-"
Elijah cut off him off. "No, brother, Niklaus and Ana are right. We made a vow. Family above all. Always and forever."
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Aeliana, Elijah and Nik were sitting downstairs in the dining room in an awkward silence. Aeliana was feeding the girls as the brothers were having a stare down.
Aeliana did not want to go back to the compound. If it were up to her, she would have taken Audrey and Hope and gone far, far away and only come back once a month for Hayley.