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Aeliana got home later that night, Elijah automatically smiling at him upon seeing her walk into the room.

"My beautiful girls," he stood up from the bed and walked over, giving them both kisses on their foreheads. "Did you enjoy your walk?"

"It was something, that's for sure." Aeliana handed Audrey to him and started to get changed. "Tristan paid me a visit."

"And how did that go?" Elijah tried to hide the hatred in his voice, but failed.

"He told me that he would do anything to protect me and Audrey. I made it clear that I would do anything to protect the three of us and ensure that her father will always be here to raise her." Aeliana walked back over and laid down next to him, Audrey fast asleep in his arms.

He looked over at her with a small smile. "I know them being here isn't easy on you."

"It must not be easy on you either, Eli. Our mistresses back to taunt us. If we're being honest, with the memory loss, I completely forgot most of it. Seeing them brought back all these memories and it was just, so overwhelming."

"And play it off as protecting me. Tristan could care less," Elijah scoffed and rubbed Audrey's hair. "I suppose, though, now he has to keep me alive. That doesn't stop him from having someone take me out without killing me. And I'm sorry, we probably should have went over everything-"

Aeliana cut Elijah off by kissing him. Once she pulled away, she pressed her forehead against his. "First off, what happened has happened, it won't change. And you aren't going anywhere, Elijah. That won't happen. If it does, I will stop at nothing to bring you back to me and to Audrey."

He smiled at her words, and kissed her again. "I know, my sweet."

"I love you, Elijah. Always and forever."

"And I love you, Aeliana. Always and forever."

1200s, Founding of The Strix

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1200s, Founding of The Strix

"So, let me get this straight. You want to form a group of vampires, exclusively from your sireline, to do what, exactly?"

Elijah excitedly ran over to his wife. "To help create a better world, to bring us farther into the future! We, as vampires, have the ability to shape our planet how we see fit. What better way to do so than using our abilities for good?"

Aeliana smiled at her husband and wrapped him in a hug. "It sounds like a fantastic idea, Eli. However, there is one small problem with your sireline."

She gave him a knowing look as realization hit his face. "Aya and Tristan."

"Precisely," she paused, disappointed with his now crestfallen expression. "We don't need to include them, you know."

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