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"So, my first sired wants to kill you. Yours wants to kill me. Makes you regret turning vampires in the first place."

Aeliana looked over at Nik in offense. "Excuse me, I don't want to kill you. Tristan wants to kill you. I'd prefer all of you alive, thank you very much."

"Well, the division of labor seems crystal clear, two of them, two of-"

Elijah was cut off upon entering the courtyard, revealing a dead girl laying in a bed of lavender.


Aeliana raced over to the girl, finding a letter in her hand. Before she could read it, Nik snatched it and skimmed over it quickly before handing it back to her.

"Roses are red, lavender is blue. Come find me before I find you." Aeliana placed the letter down and looked confused. "Lavender isn't blue. The color is literally in the name."

Elijah and Nik both gave her a look of annoyance, making her raise her hands in defense. "What! I just remember you mentioning that Aurora was better than this at poetry. It's amateur at best."

Her husband shook his head and wrapped and arm around her. "Oh, my sweet. I wouldn't say that this is lacking in poetry."

"She wants us to find her. So let's," Nik got inbetween them, squeezing both of their shoulders and started walking towards the door.

"Are you so eager, Niklaus? Last time you even said her name was a thousand years ago, when you told me to never speak it again in your presence."

"So, am I to wait as she leaves her little calling cards all over my home?"

Aeliana interrupted the boys. "We aren't going anywhere until Audrey is fed and dressed. No one is available to baby sit, and if you think I'm missing the chance to see Aurora, you're both mistaken."

They both pinched the bridge of their noses, Elijah signaling quick for her to go do that. When she looked over at him, she couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable Elijah looked. Nonetheless, she made her way upstairs.

Aeliana never confronted her husband for compelling Tristan, Aurora and Lucien to believe that they were the siblings. The fact that he never even told her, makes it safe to assume that he also never told Nik. She wanted him to tell her all on his own, which she knew he would when she was ready. He has never pushed her to share any of her secrets, so she had no plans to do that to him.

Once Aeliana got Audrey dressed, she brought her down to the kitchen and grabbed a breakfast to go and made her way to the courtyard, shielding her face from the body.

"Are we all ready?" Aeliana looked around in confusion then turned to Elijah. "Where's Nik?"

"Getting a head start," Elijah brought the stroller over and secured Audrey in. "Well aren't you the most beautiful girl I have ever seen? Just like her mother."

Aeliana rolled her eyes playfully and started pushing the stroller outside, Elijah walking next to her. "She definitely has your hair though. Look at how dark it is!"

He smiled and paused for a second, making her look at him in confusion. "Is everything okay, Eli?"

"There's something I need to confess. Something I've kept to myself for the past 1000 years."

Aeliana nodded as they started taking a slow walk, letting him speak.

"Before we fled, I compelled Lucien, Aurora and Tristan to believe that they were Niklaus, Rebekah and me."

She placed a hand on his, squeezing it slightly.

"Aurora also was the one who informed me that he killed our mother. A secret he seemed to trust her with. I then compelled her to believe him a monster as some sort of petty revenge."

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