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Another morning once again ruined, she thought to herself. This time, it was Damon inviting her to the Historical Society's tea party. The only reason she didn't complain too much was because she knew Elijah was going to be there. Apparently, his girlfriend invited him.

"So, we're coming because you're girlfriend invited you?" She asked the raven haired vampire skeptically.

"No, I want to know what Elijah is really up to. I don't trust him for a second," he told Aeliana.

"From what I understand, when he gives his word, he means it," she tried to argue.

"Listen, you're already on thin ice with your supposed original involvement. Don't make it worse," he argued back, voice raising a little.

"So why am I here then?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

"Because as much as you annoy me, you're almost as strong as him. We need that," he cringed after he realized he basically admitted he's just using her.

"That? Really? You're using me for my strength? You know, if Stefan wasn't one of my good friends and if I didn't like Elena, I would've been gone by now!" She shouted. Realizing they were now at the Lockwood mansion, she continued with, "Once this shit is done, I'm gone. Now let's pretend we like each other and just stick with saving Elena. I will also not be apart of any involvement of hurting Elijah."

He gave her a look, as if he was in agreement then walked into the house.

"Damon, Aeliana! What are you doing here?" Jenna asked the duo while approaching them. Andie then walked over them, greeting Damon.

"Hi. You came!" The brunette greeted Damon excitedly.

"Hi," he casually responded.

Damon pecked Andie on the lips, which seemed to surprise Jenna.

"Thanks for introducing us, Jenna," he told her, grabbing Aeliana and walking out of the room, seeing Elijah with Carol Lockwood.

"Damon, Aeliana," Carol greeted.


"Good morning, Carol!" Aeliana greeted the mayor kindly.

"What a surprise!"

"Hi," Damon said as they exchanged kisses on the cheek, Carol then gave the old vampire a friendly hug.

"Hi. Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families," she introduced, "And this is his friend, Aeliana Albertsen."

"Mm, such a pleasure to meet you," Damon muttered sarcasticly.

"No. Pleasure's mine," Elijah told him as they shook hands. Looking back over at Aeliana, "Actually Carol, I was introduced to the lovely Aeliana at miss Jenna's home. Did you know her name means sun? It seems to match her personality, don't you agree?"

"Oh wow, that's beautiful, Aeliana! It really does seems to match your personality perfectly, you are just the sweetest," Carol went on, earning an eye roll from Damon, which in turn earned him a glare from Elijah.

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