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Elijah and Aeliana woke up that morning. He didn't want to sleep, too worried about his siblings. But Aeliana told him there was no way he could focus in the frame of mind he was in.

"We should head to the cemetery and see Sophie. Maybe she can do a locator spell or something," Aeliana mumbled in his arms.

He just sighed. "Perhaps. But Celeste is very powerful. I do not believe it will be that easy to find them."

She got up and started getting dressed. "No, but it's a start. Come on, get all fancied up and let's go."

The couple arrived at the cemetery to see a group of witches surrounding a grave, a many laying bricks over it

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The couple arrived at the cemetery to see a group of witches surrounding a grave, a many laying bricks over it. Aeliana rushed up and took our three witches in one sweep as Elijah slowly approached.

Monique looked unphased, but the other witches looked shocked.

"My siblings have been taken. Where are they?" Elijah calmly spoke.

"You're interrupting my Aunt Sophie's consecration," Monique spoke in a monotone.

"Wait, what?" Aeliana dropped one of the heads she was holding. "How did that happen?

Her niece just shrugged. "Aunt Sophie was a casualty of war."

"Monique, I recommend you give me what I want. Unless, of course, you'd like me and my wife to level this place and everything in it."

Monique shook her head. "That won't be necessary. I have a message for you from Celeste."

"Of course you do," Aeliana rolled her eyes as she raised her hand toward Elijah.

Elijah became uncomfortable, pulling at the collar of his shirt. He ripped open the top of his shirt, revealing the name Theresa on his chest.

"Who the hell is Theresa?" Aeliana questioned as suddenly, more names appeared, including Sabine.

"To find what you're looking for, follow the path she left behind."

Elijah grabbed his wife and sped them to the compound courtyard, seeing Marcel sending out more vampires to search for the siblings.

Elijah approached him. "Anything?"

"They're putting eyes and ears out everywhere. Daywalkers are working every contact we've got. Cops, dock workers, guys in the Treme. Word is out, anyone trying to earn favor with me gets a lifetime of it if they find them."

Aeliana nodded. "Good, we need a pen and paper, please." The couple started to walk away, Marcel trailing behind him.

"Hey, am I taking orders from you now, or are we in this together?"

Aeliana looked over at him in frustration and took the jacket and shirt off her husband, making Marcel look shocked at the sight of his chest and arms. "Pen and paper, please?"

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