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Aeliana was laying in their bed in the new apartment as Elijah was rummaging through the closet for a suit.

"Which one are you going to go with today? The dark one on the left or on the right?"

"I was thinking the one in the middle, it brings out my eyes more." He tossed her one of his shirts and a pair of leggings, knowing it was her favorite thing to wear lately.

Currently, Nik was arguing with the couple over the phone, who had him on mute. They were hardly paying attention to what he was saying. In fact, they were barely paying attention to the call until Rebekah shouted out.

"Enough already with the family squabbling! Come on, Nik! Even you can see that the situation has become awkward!"

"There's nothing awkward about it! Hayley and Hope belong in the compound where they are safe. The lovely couple can continue their games across the river."

Elijah unmuted his phone in annoyance. "As I have explained to you repeatedly, brother, my presence here in Algiers is to assemble allies and keep my very pregnant wife away from the supernatural drama. And given all the enemies we have afoot in the form of wayward siblings and ancient, maniacal aunt Dahlias, I would think that you would applaud my efforts."

"Well, if it's my applause you seek, you shouldn't have dashed off in a bloody huff!"

"We didn't dash off in a huff! Sorry that your plots to kill Jackson had me stressed and almost caused harm to my baby."

"Alright, can you guys at least try and stay focused on what's best for Hope and Audrey's safety?" Rebekah began to plead with them.

Elijah threw his hands up in frustration even though the others couldn't see him. "I would like nothing more!"

However, Nik spoke at the same time in an equally frustrated tone. "I am doing exactly that!"

"See? You're on the same team. Conflict resolved, crisis averted."

"You all annoy me," Aeliana huffed and put the covers back on. "I'm taking a nap. Let me know how it goes at Josephine's so witches can stop trying to murder our sister's vessel body."

"What a surprise, Ali taking a nap."

"Shut up, Nik! You are so infuriating!"

"Pregnancy hormones really bring out the sweet side in you, don't they?"

"Niklaus Mikaelson, you are so lucky I can't strangle you through the phone."

Elijah hung up before anymore words could be exchanged, laughing at the encounter, which only frustrated Aeliana.

"I don't understand what it so funny! No one understand what I'm going through!"

Her husband continued to laugh and laid down next to her. "My sweet, I'm sorry for laughing, you're just so cute."

"Can you bring me back a pizza?"

The laughter he had that was dying down emerged again at her question. "Sure, Ana. Extra bacon?"

"Always extra bacon." She yawned and rolled over so she was facing him. "I'm really tired."

He kissed her lips softly and stroked some hair out of her face. "I know. Rest, my sweet. I'll wake you up when I come back."


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