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Aeliana ended up staying at the Salvatore boarding house that night, avoiding everyone's questions that were fired at her when they got there. The brothers were wondering why she was so upset about Elijah's death, and honestly? She had no idea.

She tossed and turned all night, rethinking the events of the day. Why was Elijah so infatuated with her? Why wasn't she afraid of him? Why does it feel like her heart is broken for a man she doesn't even remember ever meeting, let alone being married to?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She figured she could finally make an appearance, hoping no one would notice her off behavior. She made her way downstairs to see Rose in the living room, and Elena looking terrified.


"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real." Rose got out in what looked like one breath.

"Who is he?" Elena asked the vampire.

Aeliana sat down onto the couch next to Elena, placing a hand over hers comfortingly. Elena looked over, smiling softly at the vampire.

"He's one of The Originals, he's a legend," Damon spoke up.

"From the first generation of vampires," Stefan explained in a more serious tone.

Aeliana raised an eyebrow, "Like Elijah?"

"No. Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal," Rose exaggerated.

Stefan rolled his eyes a little before clarifying, "Klaus is known to be the oldest."

"Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena clarified.



Rose and Stefan spoke at the same both, both giving completely opposite answers.

"What they're saying is, I mean if what she's saying is true," Damon started.

"Which it is," Rose cut him off.

"And you're not saying it so I don't kill you," Damon looked over at Rose.

"Which I'm not," she interrupted again.

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe," he finally finished.

"At least someone is optimistic," Aeliana looked over at Damon, making fun of his denial.

Stefan looked over at the oldest vampire, not appreciating her sarcasm at the moment.

"What? I can't help it!" She defended.

"Look, Elijah's dead, right? So no one else even knows that you exist," he spoke up.

"Not that you know of," Rose pointed out.

"That's not helping," Damon looked over at the vampire.

"Look, I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if he's real. For all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bed time story," Stefan tried comforting his girlfriend.

Rose spoke to the group with more assertiveness, "He's real and he doesn't give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot. Aeliana, you should know that better than anyone, considering he ruined your life."

"Alright, we're shaking. You made your point," Damon being his typical sarcastic self.

Elena gets up, pulling Aeliana up with her.

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