Nik and Aeliana were burning the bodies as Rebekah pouted on the porch.
"I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me. You know how I love to set things on fire!"
"Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot? Besides, they were my responsibility. They attacked the helpless pregnant girl who's carrying my child!"
Aeliana rolled her eyes. "Oh, we are just so moved by your newfound sense of fatherly duties towards Hayley carrying your hybrid bun in her oven."
A throat cleared from behind them. "Hayley would like to know what the plan is."
"Well, that depends what plan you mean, love, my plan for global domination, Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world, or for Ali to finally find her true love?" Nik smirked at the wolf, the comment earning a smack from his sister in law.
Rebekah took a pencil from the desk next to her and threw it at Klaus, who catched it with ease.
Hayley sighed. "Yes, the plan to rescue Elijah. You know, the good brother? Ana's husband? The one who is now in the possession of your mortal enemy after you stabbed him in the back?"
"In the front, if we're being specific," he smirked as another pencil was hurled in his direction, this time hitting him in the hand.
He looked over at Aeliana with a blank look. "Would you stop hurting me?"
She just shrugged. "You said that you would help get my husband, your brother, back. So is there a plan, or what?"
"I know he's my brother, let's stop being repetitive. Well, firstly, Marcel is not my mortal enemy, he's my friend. Albeit one who is unaware that I'm trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the French Quarter, but a friend nonetheless. And secondly, I daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust. If I had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch, I certainly would have weighed my options a bit differently. And thirdly," he trailed off and looked at Rebekah. "Sister, please."
"And thirdly, the plan, as you have demanded, is for Niklaus to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back."
Hayley looked at the hybrid like he was insane. "That's not the whole plan, is it?"
Aeliana scoffed. "Please! Klaus may be a miserable excuse for a brother, but there is none more diabolical."
"And that's only the Plan A, love! There's always a Plan B."
"And what's Plan B?" Hayley looked at him dumbfounded.
Aeliana laughed a little. "And if that fails, we have 24 other letters in the alphabet."
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Rebekah and Aeliana were walking through the Quarter, planning to meet up with Sophie at Jardin Gris. Aeliana no longer cared if Marcel saw her, considering she was much stronger than him and could easy take him on if necessary. However, the thought of going after the boy she used to consider her son made her heart hurt.