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After last night Lucy was anxious to speak with her children, all of her children. After whatever you call that thing with Michael she slowly walked up the stairs to see her daughter. She knocked but there was no response. Normally there would at least be a shuffle to tell her she just didn't hear her but now... nothing. Growing more anxious she opened the door to her bedroom and walked in. Her daughter lay in bed peacefully sleeping, it looked like someone had tucked her in last night. Lucy smiled and walked over to the side of the bed, she knelt down and ran her hands through her daughter's  curls. "I love you honey" she smiled. For a moment she just looked down at her sleeping face. Not a freckle was left untouched by Lucy's loving gaze. 

 "Sleep well kiddo" as she got up to leave something bright caught her eye. Slowly she took a double take to see what had caught her attention. There resting on the dresser was a box of chocolate covered cherries and a bright blue card. Lucy didn't mean to snoop but she wanted to see what it was. After checking to see her daughter was still fast asleep she grabbed the card and read it over.


   Even the sun herself needs a little something to brighten her day sometimes. Cherries sweet as you are, enjoy sunshine.

                                                      -your Night


The note made my heart flutter, but the thought that my daughter has a secret love puts a smile on my face. One last glance at the sleeping girl before I put the note back and left. When they walked down the stairs I caught Sam, then an idea popped into my head "hey hon, hop in the car" Sam nodded and grabbed some sunglasses on his way out. "Where are we going mom?" I smiled "Max's house", as I drove I couldn't help but think about last night. Max must have been so disappointed.. Oh poor thing. But another thing pressed my mind, that note that I read. Who could (Y/N) be seeing? She hasn't been out of the house much in the past week or so. My eyes shifted to Sam.. she tells him pretty much everything, if anyone would know it would be him. 

 But he also tells her everything, so I have to be smart about this. "I think Michael has been seeing a girl" Sam looked at me "he has, some girl from the boardwalk". Upon hearing the new information I raised a brow "have you met her?" He shook his head. "Makes me wonder.. I'm seeing someone, Mike's seeing someone, wonder if anyone else is seeing someone". Sam furrowed his brow "me?" I nodded "not just you, maybe Dad, or (Y/N)". Sam nodded again "I guess that it's possible" his gaze didn't leave me. "Why?" I shrugged "I don't know" he clearly doesn't believe me, I held my breath. "Alright" I smiled at the small victory. As we pulled up at the gate to Max's I grabbed the wine and got out. "What's the wine for?" Sam asked "my apology to Max for running out on him last night" I paused "which young man you should be making". He whined "mom" as I reached the gate and opened it. "Honey I had better take this up to the house or somebody's just gonna take it". Sam muttered "alright mom I'll be here", I closed the gate behind me and walked to the house. 

 When I was almost to the house I saw Thorne slowly walk out from the shadows. I smiled "Hi Thorne '' he immediately started barking and growling. "Oh!" I turned and ran, Thorne gave chase. I dropped the wine "Sam!" Thorne's paws hitting the wood and my heart beat were the only things I heard. "Sam!" The closer I got the faster my heart pounded. Stupidly I looked back and saw how close Thorne was "Sam! OH SAM!' 'He looked up and panicked "Mom!?". Sam practically jumped out of the car as I hopped on the gate. As I tried to slide off Thorne grabbed my skirt and it started tearing. "NO! NO! GOD NO! THORN NO!" When the fabric in his mouth tore off, my back hit the pavement behind the gate. "Oh" Sam ran and knelt by me "Mom?" Thorn barked at us through the gate. We both screamed when part of the gate actually broke and we ran back into the car.

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