Foggy M̶e̶m̶o̶r̶i̶e̶s̶ ?

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After Dwayne parked the bike I climbed off and reunited with Mike. "Hello brother" he laughed and said "greeting sister" he patted my head. "Ah perfect timing" David said as he advanced towards the bridge. My brows furrowed and I looked at Mike "what's going on?" He asked. David chuckled and looked back at us, I skipped up to him with Mike "Michael wants to know what's going on". Me and Mike shared a look "Marko.. What's going on?". Marko laughed "I don't know, what's going on Paul?" Paul looked at me, "Wait a minute, who wants to know?".

"Michael wants to know!" Dwayne responded. David spun around and put his arm around Mike "I think we should let Michael know what's going on". "Yeah" Paul said, then they all looked at Marko. I did too, Dwayne put his arm over my shoulder, why is he so damn tall. As I looked up at him he winked. My eyes flew back to Marko, David spoke "Marko".

He looked at me and smirked then back at Mike "goodnight Michael, Y/N" he did a little wave and then dropped through the bridge. "Bombs away!" Faded as he disappeared. Pushing Dwayne off of me I leaned my head towards the area to listen for water.. Without missing a beat Paul followed "bottoms up" he snapped and dropped. Dwayne said nothing, he threw finger guns and winked then dropped. My eyes remained wide, David put a hand on my shoulder "come with us" the way he looked at Mike over my shoulder showed he meant both of us.

Then without a word or a hand gesture he dropped. Mike rushed to look and sighed "Michael!", "Y/N!", "Emerson's!.. Come on down". Mike looked up at me. Upon realizing he actually was considering it I shook my head "no Michael" he turned his head "no man! That's bogus". He rolled his eyes "back home you used to roof jump at parties" I shook my head. "Uh yeah, drunk and with Fawn" he shrugged "there's water.. So it's like the same thing sis". I threw my arms up "No" he pouted "what do you mean no?" I raised my brows "I mean no, do you wanna hear it in Spanish? No".

Y/N~ I swear I heard the four of them clear as day whispering coaxes in my ears. "This is fucked, I'm leaving-" Mike spoke "If you go I will let you paint my room" I paused. "Anything I want?" He nodded, a smirk crossed my face "who's going first?". He matched my smirk, "ladies first" I raised brow "after you Mike" he scoffed. "Get your ass down there Y/T/N" I put a hand over my chest with false offense. "Why do you gotta pull out the trouble name?" We laughed "let me put my sweater back on, I don't want it falling off my waist and getting wet".

After throwing it over my head I stepped over to where Mike stood, "you got it?" I nodded. "Yeppers" I sat down and let my legs dangle through. "Stellar" I nodded, opting to dangle between Paul and David I slid through and as I dropped down I grabbed the bars under the bridge and hung there. Mike stared down at me for a sec "wooow! Welcome!" They all cheered. David smiled at me approvingly, it felt nice. Mike joined us and they gave him the same praises. "You're a liar Mikey, this ain't nothing like roof jumping". He chuckled "pfft you kidding? A couple of shots and you wouldn't know the difference". Suddenly I felt it. Vibrations.. All four smirked as I looked between them panicking. "These are tracks!?" They laughed and Mike also panicked. "Tracks!?" The vibrations got stronger "what's wrong Y/N?" Paul asked teasingly. "How high up are we?" I demanded from him. I need to know how far the drop is, "how am I supposed to know babe" before I could ask anything else they all started laughing and cheering. The train had come and everything was shaking.

"Hold on!" David yelled and Mike yelled "David!" Everything was spinning. I started having a full on anxiety attack, tears welled in my eyes making things blurry. After blinking them away I looked over at Paul. He chuckled "yeah ha, woow" the he let go and dropped all the way". I wanted to scream, I really did, but my voice got caught in my throat and choked me up. Marko was next "Don't be scared Michael!" Then he screamed as he dropped. David let out a croaky chuckle that seemed purely demonic at the time. Then after letting out an excited yell Dwayne dropped.

"Your one of us! Let go!" He was addressing both of us "Uhm do what!?" Mike yelled "Your one of us!" Then he let go. "DAVID!!'' We both yelled at the same time. After a second the train left and Mike tried to pull himself up but couldn't. My grip had started slipping and I panicked "Michael if I survive this I am going to kill you!". Me and Mike were quiet as we heard the four boys yelling up at us from under the thick layer of fog. Then I heard David softly whispering my name as if he were with me. I whimpered. Based on the pained groan that Mike let out after trying again to pull himself up, I knew he was about to fall.

More tears "Mikey please don't, Mikey please hold on!" He threw me a sympathetic look as I watched his hands slip. He screamed bloody murder as he fell.. And then it was silent. My lip trembled and the only heat was from my tears. I quietly hung there whimpering, willing myself not to let go. My hands are almost numb now, four familiar voices called to me softly, all of them singing praises and encouragement. You can do it, Y/N~, Don't be scared doll, here Kitty Kitty.

I didn't feel myself let go.. But I must have because I'm falling. The air under my back feels like gentle hands that helped me float down. My brain is fuzzy and everything feels so.. airy?.

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