Paul~ You harlot

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… why am I so hot.. I whined a bit and then tried to roll, that's when I realized there was something on top of me. Before I had the chance to freak out I heard Paul's voice. He had his head on my stomach and was just rubbing circles into my hips. "Please Sugar…" his voice was strained and sickly sounding.  

Now alarmed I tried to sit up, he held me down "Paul- Paul whats wrong?" My voice was quiet. He kissed my stomach "I need you Sugar… please I just need to feel you". He let out a sound that was like a whine "oh Y/N.. I just need you to be a pretty little mess for me..". Hearing Paul's dirty words I felt myself getting wet. "Oh fuck baby… god I can smell how bad you want me. Fuck!". 

 My eyes widened "s-smell!?" I asked. A dark chuckle left him "oh yeah baby, I can smell your delicious pussy getting all wet for me". He growled at his own words, a small gasp of surprise left me when I felt his fingers digging into my hips. Paul moved up and captured my lips in a sloppy kiss. There was lots of tongue, moaning, and grinding. Paul, now between my legs, grinded against me. I ended up breaking our heated makeout to breathe. 

  As Paul grinded down on me again I moaned particularly loud, then I remembered there are other people in the house. "Paul-..." I cut myself off with a moan "Paul my family is sleeping.." Those eyes of his stared into mine. Then they flashed yellow, "then I guess we're gonna have to be quiet then". That sentence made my walls tighten. He kissed me again, but broke it to pepper kisses over my neck. As he did so, Paul ran a hand down my side, then back up and under my shirt. I gasped as his cold hands caressed my warm skin. His hand found my breast and nearly engulfed the whole thing. My eyes rolled back and I quietly let out soft moans. Those cold fingers played with the jewelry of my nipple, pulling it just a little. 

 Without warning Paul nipped at my neck, I gasped. A dark chuckle rang from his chest, "did I scare you baby?" Paul mused in my ear. I whimpered "..are you going to bite me?". He licked a trail up to my ear causing shivers, then he kissed it just as Marko had earlier. The action pulled another whimper from me. "Not on your neck Sugar, blood flows better between the legs" he purred.

Had he not been between them I might have squeezed my thighs together for some friction. Just as I thought it, Paul reached his hand down and rubbed me through my leggings. "Paul-" he silenced me with a kiss, "if you wanted release just ask baby~". I whined when he stopped the slow circles he had been rubbing. Paul moved back down to where he was and looked up at me, asking before he did anything. My eyes fluttered, but my head slowly nodded. I need him just as bad as he needs me. Paul ripped off my offending articles and in a mere second, his mouth was on me. 

 My teeth bit down on my lip to hold back every sound trying to escape them. Paul went straight for my clit, he put my thighs on his shoulders and held them there as he went down. His tongue licked up and down my slit gently, and then he sucked on my clit. Such simple movements yet they had me whining for more. My insides felt like they were melting and dripping into Paul's mouth, and he greedily lapped up every bit. "Fuck Sugar you taste so good~" I felt my eyes rolling up to the back of my head.

 The more he licked the tighter that coil in my stomach got. Everything is hot, he's hot, my groin is hot.  I'm so close… fuck. I can feel that tightness building in my stomach. God, fuck Paul what are you doing to me… his toungue entered into me and my head flew back in pleasure. The wet muscle danced around inside me and pulled the most lewd sounds from my throat. I thought that was going to be what brought me to orgasm. 

 No. It was Paul's huge hands. He moved up to suck on my clit, meanwhile his ring and index finger entered me. My back arched in pleasure and I felt my hips rising. Paul simply held them in place. He groaned and mumbled about how good I tasted. "So good…" he trailed off, or maybe I didn't hear him as my hands buried themselves in his mess of blonde frizz. And my walls convulsed around his fingers. I didn't hear a damn word as that tightness finally released. 

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