Drunk on Blood

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I woke up when I felt a shift in the bed next to me, I whined and opened one eye "Mike?". He groaned "why is it so bright in here?" He also seems to notice. "Uh.. Shit" he got up and slammed his curtains shut. "I'm so tired... and thirsty" Mike nodded in agreement. I sat up and stretched "well it's almost lunch time, we should probably eat" I groaned. "I know" I followed Mike into the kitchen where I dug through the cabinets for something quick to eat.

Mike walked over to lift his weight. On the way we had found some sunglasses and were now both wearing them. "How does a.. PB and J sound Mikey?" He made struggle sounds "g-great". His voice was strained and weak "cool" as I made our sandwiches Sam walked in. I heard Mike drop His weight "Mike where were you last night buddy?, you look waisted". He looked over at me, "want a sandwich?" I asked, Sam nodded. Mike joined us in the kitchen "I can't remember too much after the Chinese food that looked like maggots". I cringed "yeah I can't remember much either.. Mainly just how cold it was" Sam raised a brow. As Mike sat down I served him his two sandwiches that I cut in the middle. Sam was next, "you guys think Grandpas an alien?" Me and Mike looked at each other. "We didn't wanna tell you until you were 18" Mike said.

Then he looked down "stop, stop it Nanook" Sam looked at his dog "hey Nanook come here". The normally obedient dog kept on until Mike pushed him again "I- now I said stop Nanook". I raised a brow "what are you doing? Come here" Sam nealt down to get Nanook. Suddenly Sam looked as if he realized something "hey you spill something?". Mike looked at him "no why?" Sam looked back down "cause the bottoms of your feet are covered in salt". Mike reached down and pulled some off his foot. With the sandwich still in my mouth I pulled my foot off the ground and looked at the bottom of it. I too had salt on my feet "you too?" Mike asked, "that was some pretty funky Chinese food". Nodding in agreement I said "totally" he stood up and rubbed the salt over Sam's face as he played with Nanook. "Ew don't rub your foot salt on Sammy!" I said with my nose scrunched. Sam laughed "hey you wanna go to the comic book store?" He looked hopeful. "Nope," Mike said as he retreated to his room.

Sam then looked at me "sis?" I thought about it "tomorrow we can.. But right now my eyes are glued shut" he nodded. "I'll hold you to that!" He shouted "auight!" I shouted back as I walked off to my room for some good old sleep.


There's so much pressure... Why is it so hot? I whined. Finally I heard the sounds "honey?" I opened one eye "mom?" She smiled "honey you were sleepwalking". Confused, I looked around. That's when I saw grandpa in the corner and realized that I'm in his red room. "What?" She smiled "here let's get out of here honey" I looked at Grandpa as I got up "sorry". He nodded.

After mom got me out I saw the time "ain't you supposed to be at work or somethin?" She smiled. "When grandpa found you he called, my boss let me come get you" I nodded. "Sounds like a cool guy" she nodded "well I have to get to work" I waved her goodbye. "Sis! Morning", I smiled at Sam "sup" he smirked "remember yesterday?" I nodded "sure do" his face lit up. "But I must get ready," he smirked. "Of course" with that I got dressed and convinced Grandpa to let me borrow his car. "Now you had better put gas back in the car or else" I smiled "yes sir". As I drove I felt so hot, it's like the sun is trying to melt me from the outside, the sunglasses on my face remained on my face.

"What's up with you and Mike?" Sam asked me, "What do you mean?" I heard him sigh. "Well you two have been sleeping for two days now... and Mike was kind of a jerk when I saw him last". I raised a brow "yeah?" Sam nodded "hostile almost" I shrugged. "The other night we hung out with these guys... he likes this girl" as I talked about what I remembered of that night I felt that tugg. It was as if I were still on the back of David's bike... I hadn't realized I stopped talking until Sam snapped a finger in my face.

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