Star the hostage

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Mike? What are you doing in the garden?" There my brother was. Under my window with a handful of pebbles "come down, and get dressed" I furrowed my brows "what?". He sighed "just get ready to go somewhere" I held my arms up "where Michael?" His gaze ran elsewhere "I don't know" I followed his gaze and there they were. The tugg damn near made me jump out the window, I looked back to Mike. "Give me a sec" I closed my window and curtains. Good thing I showered this morning, "fucking Mike" I threw on a pair of leggings and a random tanktop, on top of it I put on a sweater. When I got downstairs, I put my shoes on while I walked. I could see Mike rolling his eyes from outside, I flipped him the bird and stood straight checking everything. "Yep" then I was out the door "you're going to break your damn ankle one of these days putting shoes on like that". He laughed at my pout "says the one who puts out candles with his damn fingers!". He scoffed Paul and Marko laughed, while Dwayne and David were silent. Paul then proudly exclaimed "my turn to drive yah around babe" my face flushed and that tugg pulled me towards him. Mike however sent Paul a nasty look and pulled me to his bike. 

 Paul's face… man if looks could kill. I whispered to Mike "are they holding her hostage?" Mike nodded. Widened eyes looked at the four. David raked his tongue over his teeth as he smirked at me, I hid my face in Mike's back. "Lets go" the whole ride I made sure to watch my surroundings so that if another situation happens I can walk home. As we rode there Paul "accidentally" drove a little close and scared Mike. Paul glared as he followed the others up into a tree, otherwise him and the others seemed very excited. And I found it hard not to see how cute Paul looked as he bounced in his spot and looked at his companions. The four chuckled at each other before David turned to us "Michael, Y/N, over here" Paul then in a very cursed raspy voice said "come one Michael". David again said "you don't wanna miss this" he laughed, cautiously and silently we approached the tree. Dwayne held an arm out and pulled me up next to him. Quietly I thanked him, it seems that when I'm close to them the tugg calms down a tad. Now I'm looking at the scene in front of me.  Drunk guys running around a fire, loud music, a ton of cans. Me and Mike shared a look Before again staring at David's shadowed face. "Initiations over Emersons, it's time to join the club" David let his face fall back into the light… my heart pounded but not in fear. His cheekbones protrude and his eyebrows were gone, in their place a much more prominent brow bone. His eyes were a coppery yellow, and those fangs.. David had double fangs which he proudly displayed by smiling wide. Air caught in my throat, that tug was more intense that I had ever felt it, god I can hardly look away. But as I heard the other three laugh I rushed to look at them, to see if they too looked so monstrous. They did. They laughed and smiled at me and Mike, Marko even greeted him "Hi Michael". Then my attention turned back to David who seemed surprised, but the surprise was quickly hidden with a scowl. Then a low monstrous growl erupted from him and he flew! He flew out of the tree! Like actually was flying. My chest burned, that dry,painful itch came back to my throat and I felt my mouth watering. Everything was fuzzy. 

 Blood. Blood was the only constant… wet metal, copper metallic, delicious red everywhere. On the ground, in the air, on Mike, on the boys. They called us and Mike answered. All five easily massacred the party of men, no man left alive as they ripped through flesh and drank the sweet red nectar that leaked from every open wound. I have no clue why I'm not already drenched in the warm comfort that is blood… my mouth hurts and the itch is damn near irresistible. Slowly I climbed from the tree and there he was. A man crawling towards me begging for help, all was silent.. Right now me and him are the only things on earth. His hand grabbed my boot, I saw the blood splattered on him and the smell made my vision blur. 

 He's practically serving himself to me, my body shook and I had to physically fight back my own body. Now he is gone and I stand alone.. I stand alone as I slowly back away from him and the blinding light of the fire. No sounds. Only the ringing in my ears and the sharp burning in my chest, I can smell it all around me. The blood. God I-I need to leave.. But I don't want to, I want to devour him. That's when I saw it.. The blood drenched hands of my brother reached for me. My senses were overwhelmed with the closeness of the blood. "N-No!" I pushed him back away from me and backed away myself as my chest heaved and I thought violent thoughts. "Sis it's okay.. Look just a drop" again I pushed him away "don't fucking touch me!". Mike visibly jumped, I don't blame him, I must look as wild as I feel. The four other vampires approached "babe.. Just have some" Paul's hair blew in the wind. His eyes and mine were only locked for so long before I sensed Dwayne's movement and stared at him, seeing my face he halted. David's voice caught my attention, he let out a breathy laugh as he, Dwayne, Marko, Paul, and now Michael stood in an organized line. 

 He looked down at me as I had found myself at the bottom of the hill they stood on. "So. Now you know what we are, and now you know what you are '' they all looked as if they were coming down from a high. Somehow I was able to clearly see each individual eye. They all had shrunken pupils, either wide or half lidded eyes, and they were mostly breathing heavily. Mike looked worse than the rest of them… they have probably done this many times before. As my eyes landed back on David he continued "you'll never grow old, and you'll never die". Please don't, no David please don't "but you must feed '' the word itself made my mouth water and I felt my teeth ache. He wiped a bit of blood from his face and let out a chuckle that caused a whole plethora of laughs to erupt from all of them. Even Mike. Nothing in me is even slightly sure of how to cope with what is happening to me. "Sis, come on the night is young still we can find someone" without another thought I started laughing, when the fire cracked and popped louder I laughed louder. Finally I took a breather and stopped laughing. All five watched me looking unsure of what I was feeling. "Fuck that shit, Im going home" Mike hesitated before walking to me "Y/N?" I looked at him "Mike you have fun, but I need at least one night". David walked to me and put an arm around me "and you can have your night darling" he practically purred when I put a hand on his face. "Take care of yourself David '' as I left Mike asked "what are you going to do with your night Y/N?". I turned to him "drugs" then I walked.
A/N: I found this pic on Pinterest and I love it😍

 ______A/N: I found this pic on Pinterest and I love it😍

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