Begging for David

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I just looked at him for a second, he was still and looked a little paler than usual. Once I was done staring at him I looked around for a way up. On the other side of the room there was a tall ladder that led up to the bar. David was situated in the middle of the bar, so I walked over and gently slid the ladder closer to him.

I stared up at the ladder nervously, if I were to fall It would probably hurt. And with David being asleep I doubt he would have time to catch me. I worried my lip between my fingers. I don't wanna fall but I want David to wake up. I thought about it and the Pros outway the Cons. I exhaled and then slowly made my way up the ladder, it creaked and made tapping sounds as my feet hit it.

David seemed to stir as I got closer, meanwhile his scent got stronger. By the time I reached him I was ready to pounce. I smiled at his sleeping face as I decided how I was going to go about waking him up. I pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, nothing. Again I gently kissed his face, still nothing.

"David," I whispered to him. "Daviddd~ wakey wakey~", the sleeping vampire did not react to my whispers. So I very carefully ran a hand through his hair, he leaned into my touch but did not wake up. "Oh David~ are you awake?" The blonde slowly opened one eye. His blue eye looked at me for just a second before it closed again. A smile crossed my face as I kissed his nose. "I saw that Davey~ come on open those pretty eyes for me" he groaned "I eat people, nothing about me is pretty" I giggled. The blonde vampire turned away from me "go away" I huffed now offended "Davidddd! Come on, I want to see you!" his snores slowly returned "David if you don't wake up I'm gonna be upset with you" no response.

"Davidddd" at this point I just look pathetic whining for his attention. "Fine screw you too then" I grumbled as I made my way down the ladder "plenty of Marko and Paul and Dwayne to go around… frigging grumpy old man". I was almost on the ground when he so calmly said "watch your mouth Babydoll" I scoffed. As if his lazy bones self is gonna do anything bitch. My feet hardly had time to find their place on the ground before David flew from his spot and landed right in front of me. The action was so sudden that it made me stumble back a bit. Had David not caught me I would have hit the floor.

His hand on the large of my back he pulled me closer to his face, those blue eyes of his glaring into my soul. "What did you call me Doll? Hm?" my eyes widened and I paused, stupid fucking mind link! stupid! stupid! "Nothing," I said quietly. David gently lifted my chin with his gloved hand "oh but you did Sweetheart" my lip trembled as he leaned closer to me, "and I heard it, so why don't you say it out loud baby?".

This man must be on drugs if he thinks I'm about to admit to my crimes against his ego, No one in their right mind would. The blonde cut off my thoughts when that same gloved hand moved from my chin to my throat. An audible gasp left me when it did, something else left me a little lower. David's gaze was predatory and told me that I would not be getting away with this. His hand, a silent promise. A promise to what I'm not sure… just when he smirked I knew he heard me "a promise to make your legs shake Babydoll~".

  Those words rolled from his lips so smoothly, one might think that they were made just for him to say. Just for me to hear David leaned close to my ear and whispered "I'll show you who's a bitch baby~" . My body tingled and the sensation of him so close to my neck made me turn away. He chuckled as he casually lifted me off my feet and held me against him. Out of instinct I wrapped my legs around his torso… as I did so he bucked up against me. "David-..." He pinned me against the wall of the cave. "You smell so good.. God I can smell…" his words were cut off as I remembered that Paul had said something similar.

David's silence scared me as I thought it meant I had angered him. When I looked at him I could see that I was right, David looked furious "you fucked Paul?" I blinked. Those blue eyes were yellow ".. I'm sorry but he was whining and begging and I-" he shushed me with a kiss. His tongue searching every inch of my mouth, I moaned into the kiss when he started grinding against me. My core heated up and I felt myself getting wetter, David's bulge moved against me so perfectly. He groaned into my mouth. His movements getting harsher, until he went still and broke the kiss. I pulled back and stared at him, my face having 'keep going!' Written all over it.

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