The early fish gets the worm

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The morning brought an ache between my thighs and sore spots all over my body. I turned under my sheets and winced when I hit a sore spot on my hip. That is when I decided to lay flat on my back. Despite the fact that it is currently... I looked at my clock, 3 in the afternoon and I have slept until now. I am exhausted.

I groaned when I thought about getting up. "You awake sis!?" Sam yelled from somewhere outside the door. Maybe if I don't answer he will think I'm not "mom is on the phone!". He followed. Again I groaned, but I reached for the Garfeild phone resting on my side table. A strained and very raspy "hey" left me as I brought it to my ear. *honey are you okay?* I hummed "I'm uh.. I'm fine Ma" *Sam said your still in bed and that you haven't eaten yet?*. Typical mom, worried senseless "I'll be okay ma really, I just got in late" she sighed *Are you sure? I have plans with Max tonight but I can c-*. I cut her off "Nope, you go to your plans and I'll keep the boys in check".

We talked for a moment longer before I hung up. It was only when I went to stretch my back that I realized I still had Paul's jacket. I felt my face flush when I remembered last night. I looked down at my torn tank top underneath and squealed. Lord, I'm fangirling over Paul right now... get ahold of yourself girl.

While I would very much enjoy not getting up right now I must. That means I have to put some clothes on... I huffed at that. Such and easy task seemed nearly impossible with no energy. I decided to lay a little while longer. Then I looked towards Bongo. He was just hardly peaking at me through his little mushroom house. But his face said feed me. Suddenly my plans to stay in bed were no more. Being as it's Wednesday he gets to be live fed, which means I have to go get his blood worms from the freezer and thaw them out. "Oh hush up I'll go get it" he swam just a little further out of his house, "well morning to you too buddy" I sat up and stretched my arms high in the hair to pop by back. Then I cracked my neck on each side. Once I was done breaking my bones I put my feet on the cold floor and stood up. Well I tried to anyway. Almost the second I was all the way up my knees buckled and. I fell down, naked, onto the cold hardwood floors of my bedroom. "HoLy FuCk!" I shouted like a teenage boy going through puberty.

The worst pain in the world is being naked and cold. I said every curse under the sun as I rolled onto my back in order to save my poor boobs from the cold. "I'm sorry my beloved girls" I whined as I held them. I got up rather quick after we had a heart to breast. Once I was up I looked around for my discarded clothes from the night before. My leggings lay untouched on the floor where Paul left them, I grabbed them up and clutched them to my chest. The odd thing is my panties were just gone. For a good twenty minutes I walked around my room looking for my underwear. "What in the hell?" I mumbled. They must have evaporated because I can't find them. Finally I was done walking around naked and decided to cut my losses. When I opened my closet the leggings were swiftly thrown to my laundry basket and I started digging through my clothes. "What do you think Bongo?" I asked, looking at my fish, showing him the two shirts I picked out. He quietly stared at me. "oh well I like the Bowie shirt.. but my Billy Idol shirt is pretty epic..." I nodded at his silence. "You are most wise Master Bongo". I grabbed my Mötley Crüe shirt and made my way to my dresser where I grabbed some shorts.

Now fully dressed and awake, well as awake as I could be, I stared at Paul's jacket. He's going to be back for it no doubt... but what did the others say when he came home without it?. Gently I picked it up and brought it to my nose. God his smell is so strong, it's like he's actually here with me. A loud knock on my door made me jump and toss Paul's jacket behind me somewhere in a panic "hey sis" Sam said as he walked in. "What were you doing?" He asked looking around the room "nothin- you didn't knock" he raised a brow. "Yes I did" I blinked and tried to think of a counter.

"Okay" I said. Sam squinted "you okay sis?" He walked a little closer and put his hand on my forehead. I felt my heart pounding as Sam's brows knitted together "you're so cold..." his eyes locked on something behind me. Following his gaze I saw Paul's Jacket "y-y-... you had a guy over?". I made something up "no! Thats my jacket" Sam's eyes widened when he looked at my anxious face. "Y-you weren't having a Nightmare... you were- AHHH!" poor Sammy ran from my room screaming. I feel horrible saying this but the sight was hilarious. I heard Nanook hop off Sam's bed and saw him run down the hall after Sam. With that I had a laugh and then made my way down to get Bongos much awaited blood worms.

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