When Siblings face hardships.

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As David and Y/N were just living it up and having all sorts of fun, Marko sat in Paul's room, pouting. He knew exactly what Dwayne and Paul were up to and he could hear what Y/N and David were doing. He was jealous… and horny, but then he would remember he had no one to help him and get jealous again. It was the most confusing boner of his life.

He looked at himself through his pants… he was really fighting against them.. his eyes darted to a pile of clothes in Paul's room. He looked around and then grabbed one of Paul's shirts, bringing it to his nose and groaning when Paul's scent hot him. Marko could feel his cock twitch in his pants, he smirked against the shirt. "This will work…" he mumbled as he walked back over to Paul's bed. As he did his eye caught a flash of black hanging out from between Paul's bed.

"What the fuck?..." Marko set Paul's shirt on the bed and pulled out whatever it was. His eyes widened to find a pair of panties, he looked around to see that no one was watching him. When he saw no one Marko then sniffed them. His eyes rolled back when he picked up Y/N's scent. He threw the shirt and the panties together, too excited to question how Paul got them. He then imagined the both of them.. there with him, as he stroked himself and smelled their clothes.

Meanwhile back at the Emersons Sam was getting chewed out for what happened. He looked like a kicked puppy, his head was down and he wouldn't look up from the floor. "She almost killed me! She threatened our lives!" Edgar shouted. "And you let.her.go!?" Allen shouted. They were very pissed about what went down at the cave, and Sam had betrayed them. “Well she's my sister so too bad!” Sam finally shouted, tired of all their nagging him. “You would have done the same for Allen so don’t even act like you wouldn’t” Sam said.

"It isn't her fault… she didn't ask to be a vampire", Sam said that like he was trying to convince himself.. partially because he was. Edgar and Allen looked between each other then back to Sam. "Okay fine, you're right and we're sorry.." Edgar grumbled as he crossed his arms. Allen patted Sam's back "we can save her and Michael but we have to kill the head vampire". Allen said this in a dark tone, almost as a threat.. Sam couldn't help but think about how protective she was of them.

He really didn't want to hurt his sister and it was obvious that she really cared about them. “..yeah” Sam mumbled, his voice filled with sadness. He would have to talk with Y/N before he did anything. After the frogs left he sat in his room, deep in thought. Sam got up and walked over to her room, opening the door and stepping inside.

Sam climbed into her bed like he used to when he was younger. Cuddling up with her pillows for comfort. He always went to his big sister when he didn't know what to do… but this time he couldn't go to his sister. “Come on Sis.. come back to me.. please” Sam muttered to himself.

For the rest of the day Sam laid in his sister's bed, ignoring the phone calls to the house, and his mother asking him what was wrong, even Nanook was locked out. Sam just wanted to be alone, he was confused and so.. so very scared. After a long time, so long that the sun had went down and the stars were in the sky, Michael came home.

After being begged by his mother, Michael came and knocked on the door. “Go away…” Sam muttered, Michael opened the door away. Coming in and looking down at Sam “What's the matter with you Sam?”, Michael asked as he sat on the bed. “..why don't you and Sis wanna be home no more?” Sam asked, looking up at Michael. He sighed as he rubbed his neck. Trying to think of how to explain.

“...Me and Sis are vampires Sam, we have new rules in life. Instincts we don't understand but can't ignore. We're- We're still us” Michael muttered. Sam shook his head “Why!? Why do you have to be like this! How do I fix it!?” Sam cried out. Those big blue eyes of his were filled with tears as he pleaded with his older brother. He reached out and hugged Michael tightly, “..how do I help you Mike?” Sam whimpered.

Running his fingers through Sam's hair, Michael sighed. “We don't want help Sam.. we're..  we're happy” He couldn't believe Michael's words. “You will have to kill! You will… how could you be happy..” Sam's voice grew weak and tears welled in his eyes. “..Don't cry Sammy” Michael said gently.

Michael wiped the tears from Sam's face with the rough pads of his fingers, trying to comfort the younger boy. The two just stared at each other for a moment having a silent conversation. Neither spoke a word.. but they understood each other perfectly. “Sammy.. we still love you bud, and we're still us” Michael said gently. Sam sniffled and buried his face in Michael's neck. “How can you be so okay with this… with leaving me” Sam whimpered.

“Bud we ain't.. we will never leave you” Michael reassured. Sam didn't believe Michael. He already was asleep all day, and when he wasn't asleep he was out with those.. those stupid vampires. Something inside Sam snapped and he knew he would have to try again. He was going to kill those fucking vampires and take back his family. Whether Y/N and Michael wanted it or not, he would save them.  But first.. he was going to take a nap because plotting murder was a lot for a 14 year old. He closed his eyes and got cuddled up in Y/N's bed, loving how soft her blanket was. As he fell asleep, he wondered if she would notice if he just.. stole her blanket. Sam drifted off with thoughts of his happy family, and four staked hearts...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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