Who? When?

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 Paul drove wild, they boys yelled and hollered like it was nobody's business. That cool, nighttime California air blew through my hair. I was in bliss. Everything about this moment is perfect. I further leaned into Paul, his body pressed against mine keeping me warm. 

 For what seemed like the hundredth time, I sighed in content. Much like when I rode with David, I noticed Paul's smell. Only he smells different. The fresh smell of weed mixed with a surprisingly sweet scent, accompanied by hairspray and a very faint Cologne. The weird this is that it is the same cologne David was wearing. 

 They are boyfriends… 'I stole some of his cologne' It was that same weird feeling as I got the last time I heard one of their voices in my head. Like the night at the bridge, in my own kitchen… and when Star spoke to me the very first night I met them. 'Turn back now' I can hear her like it was yesterday. 

Why? Why can I hear them- 'It's called a mind like Babygirl' Marko's voice rang out in my mind. What the hell? Can they really hear my thoughts!?.... LALALALALA-! 'Y/N, Darling, We can all hear your Lala's, please stop'. This time it was David. I giggled out loud, Paul joined me. I thought, wait so can you hear all my thoughts? I asked. I did not receive an answer, as we pulled into the dirt driveway of my home. The boys pulled their bikes around the side and parked almost just under my window. The same spots as they parked earlier this evening. 

  "Well Baby Girl, straight home" Marko taunted. I snuggled more into Paul, he purred in delight. "You don't have to go home Sugar… we could take you back to the cave" Paul said quietly.That doesn't sound terrible, but I'm too tired to do any more traveling. Instead of saying that I whispered "you should walk me to my bed…" My voice was lighter and softer due to my drowsiness. 

Marko smirked "are you inviting us to your bedroom? How forward Madame, what would the church think of such sinful actions?". He said this all in an old British accent, I smiled "I'm an atheist, so I don't care what the church has to say" Marko knodded. "I'm an Anarchist" I paused… he's kidding? No? I giggled a little "Marko… honey, that's a political belief". He blinked "don't you judge my flavor of Jesus" he sassed. 

 Dwayne pinched the bridge of his nose, "Marko-" he started.  "Be glad you're pretty… because you're not smart" David mumbled. Marko seemed unfazed, but I still narrowed my eyes at David. "David! don't be mean to Marko" I lectured. Despite his back being turned to me I could almost hear his eye roll. Paul and Marko laughed, "oooh, Davey just got told~" Paul teased. 

 It was like David got called to the Principal's office in elementary. My hand came up and gently covered my mouth before I let out a yawn.  "Lets go, we're walking you to your bed Doll" He hopped off his bike and everyone followed. As I got off I yawned again and stretched, my back cracked loudly and Marko did a double take.  

 "What?... I have back problems" Marko smiled and walked over to me, he coolly draped his arms over my shoulder. He stands hardly an inch taller than me, but he has a way of making me feel small. Those green eyes looked-me-over slowly, "such a sleepy baby.." He rubbed his nose against mine like a rabbit. 

 As I closed my eyes I found it hard to open them again. A loud click sounded and my eyes fell to David, who had his gloved hand covering his cigarette as he lit it. The light of the lighter glowed from behind his hand, and shadowed his cold blue eyes. As the shadows danced on his face, it was as if I could see a flash of his vampire. Those more prominent cheek and brow bones… piercing yellow eyes. 

 "See something you like?" Marko whispered into my ear. Now realizing Marko saw me staring at David I blushed and looked away. He leaned closer "Do you think Davey is hot~" he continued to tease. "Shhh Marko stopp" I squeaked at him as my face got hotter. Marko wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me closer, he kept leaning into my ear and whispering against it. "Marko, leave her alone," Dwayne commanded from behind us. 

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