Before I'm too late

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The sun was blinding and I have never been so inclined to take a nap while driving. But the fire burning in my chest that had effectively moved to the rest of my body was burning hot enough to make me speed. All the way through town and up into the forest where I followed the flames to Hudson's bluff.  As I came up on the stairs down to the cave, I saw Grandpa's car and I could feel Sam nearby. My arms started shaking and I felt like my body was getting heavier. My eyes watered as I forced them open. When I all but parked the bike I struggled to stand. My body felt as if it were getting weaker by the second, but the memory of that horrible dream gave me the strength to move forward. I ran as fast as my legs would take me to the stairs, my feet were heavier than they ever had been and my heart was in my stomach. My senses were overwhelmed, my body and legs ached, my lungs burned, and my eyes filled with tears.

"S-SAMMY!" My voice rasped out his name and I struggled to remain standing as I made it inside the oddly cool cave. The boys are close. I can feel them. "S-S-.. sammy- '' my eyes closed, my breathing grew shallow and the ground was slowly getting closer to me. I hadn't realized I was falling until I was on the ground and once again Edgar and Allen Frog were staring down at me. Only this time I didn't have the energy to defend myself with a pillow. Edgar and Allen started arguing "Look at her! She's obviously a vampire!" Allen shouted. "You can't prove that! We're not gonna kill her!" I didn't hear the rest of the argument because they paused when I started trying to push myself off the ground. "Don't let her get up!" Allen shouted, against Allen's advice Edgar helped me to my feet. He struggled slightly as I was bigger than him, but I got up. My eyes slowly found his face once they focused. He looked at me cautiously and I smiled at him.

"Thank you.." my hand rested on his shoulder to support myself "where's Sam?" He pointed to a big entrance to a much deeper part of the cave. "He went to find them-" he paused as my grip got tighter. I looked at him, my eyes burning, and growled. Him and Allen were at a loss for word, I could see it in their eyes when it finally clicked. They bit off way more than they could chew and were having regrets. Edgar's hand reached up and grabbed my wrist. His grip was as tight as he could get it, but it did nothing. Both Frog children  look terrified. "if you ever, so much as look at them again I will hunt down your family and kill every last one of them" I threatened. Then I let go of Edgar, they screamed as they ran out. Their fear was music to my ears. I didn't even have to go after Sam, he came running when he heard them scream.

As his footsteps neared I looked around, that's when I saw Mike, he was laying with Star on that same bed me and her sat on the first time I came here. Laddie, on a cot beside the bed. All three were somehow undisturbed. "Sis!?" Sam called. My eyes turned to him for a moment. He stood in the entrance of the deeper cave,Sam walked over to me "Sis please" I stared at him. "Sammy I need them" he furrowed his brow "you want to be a vampire?" I whined "right now all I want is sleep" he looked me over "but you will have to kill people to survive" I shook my head. "You wouldn't understand, I don't even fully understand right now. But I understand that I need them, they are a part of me". Sam looked as if he were in deep thought, his blue eyes scanning me. "I'm gonna go home today, but tomorrow we talk". I nodded. He cautiously walked around me and out the cave entrance. After watching him leave I sluggishly made my way towards the opening Sam came from and walked in.

At this point I was following the tug, if it weren't so damn strong I would have passed out on one of those random couches. But the tug led me down a tunnel that seemingly went on forever. But the further I went the stronger my boys' scents got. The travel was harsh but my reward was worth it. Finally after a harsh walk I found it. The same room as was in my dream. Only I smiled, because this time I know my boys are safe. I found a pile of clothes and collapsed onto it, resting just below the four of them. A gentle smile rested on my face as I drifted off.

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