Pauly wanna see

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At some point I bought weed off a guy I recognized from a party at Phoenix. There was no chatting involved, I just gave him money and he gave me a bag with some joints in it, and a wrapped brownie. After that I grabbed a bottle of whiskey, a 2 liter of coke, and a pack of plastic cups. Then I disappeared into the night with my bounty and found myself a nice little area to sit. The night had gotten colder and my lack of a fire didn't help.

  But I felt fine. It's peaceful, sitting out here with my joint and drinking. I hadn't noticed Paul until he sat down next to me, but I didn't mind his presence. "Hey babe" I looked at him slowly and blew some smoke out of my mouth. "Sup" I handed him the joint and he happily took it and took a few huffs. "So whatcha drinkin?" I raised a brow at my cup. 

 "Coke and whiskey" he chuckled "yeah?" I nodded "don't make fun of me right now I don't have the patience" he furrowed his brows. "I'm not, it's just weird" I rolled my eyes and leaned forward, away from him. "It lasts longer anyway" he asked me "does it taste better?" I shook my head. "Nope, still taste nasty… just carbonated nasty with a hint of sugar". He laughed and passed the joint back to me, "let me try the carbonated nasty" . I took another cup from my bag and poured a little whiskey into the bottom, then topped it off with coke. Paul took it and basically chugged it, I laughed a little "damn don't choke man" he smirked. "Your right, your probably better than I am" maybe if I weren't stoned and a little drunk I would have shied away but I am.

   "Pfft, I'm sure if I ask Marko he will know all about your choking" Paul snorted laughing. "Damn that was good" I did a small bow "what's the deets anyway? Y'all boyfriend boyfriend?" He smirked. "Yeah, it's not just us" I raised a brow "Dwayne?". "Try  Dwayne and David" I scoffed "ain't no damn way, David seems aggressively straight, borderline homophobic". Paul again snorted and laughed, but this time I joined him "he is tho! He will kiss one of us and then call us fags". Me and Paul were practically laying on each other, we were laughing so hard.  "When I first came out as Bi, Mike said that he couldn't even call me a fag because I was only 'half gay' ". Paul paused "wait but you are tho, because you fuck girls and guys" I snickered. "Eyup" Paul looked at my nose ring as he took the joint again. I've seen that look before,  he wants to touch it. "Well go on then" he didn't hesitate "can you feel it moving inside you?" He asked as he gently turned it "that's what she said" he snickered again. "And no not really" he excitedly played with it. "Star said you have a lot of piercings" I nodded "seven" he raised his brows "seven? Where?" I smiled at his cuteness.

"I have both my earlobes done, two on my right side cartilage, my nose, and my nipples". Paul just slowly smiled "you have your titties pierced?" I nodded. He shamelessly looked down "well you can't tell now, I'm wearing a bra". He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively "Pauly wanna see" I laughed and took the joint. After a small hit I said "I don't think your boyfriends would take too kindly to my flashing their boyfriend". Paul smirked "why don't you ask them?" My brows knitted together. "Huh?" As if by magic Marko, Dwayne, and David appeared. "Oh please tell me my brother isn't here," Marko laghed. "Worried he might hear you talking about flashing Paul?". The face I made said duh Marko only smirked, "I wanna see them" David's voice gained my attention. I raised a brow "me too" Marko said, my gaze turned to Dwayne. "Do you hear this bullshit Dwayne?" He laughed, all of them are staring at my tits now "well damn if it really means that much to yall.." I handed the joint to Paul and took off my sweater, then I slid my tank top down to my torso leaving my bra exposed. 

 It was as if I could feel their nasty thoughts as I undid the clasps of my bra, before I dropped it I gave them each stern look. "Now this doesn't make me a whore or nothing, I'm just showing you my piercings". They all nodded "of course not '' Dwayne said looking at me intensely. "Okay good" then I dropped my bra and my boobs fell out. They all stared at them, "so I just have a bar in right now, but I have some decorative jewelry too". Paul reached for it and I didn't stop him "can I touch it?" I nodded "be careful tho there are more nerves in my nipple, and the tissue in general is more sensitive". He was gentle as he slowly touched the bar. I'm sure I should feel some kind of unsafe right now but I don't. And the tug had returned "can I ask you a question?" They all looked at me. It was like they knew what I was going to ask "the tug" I froze. Then Paul's cold finger touched my nipple and I jumped "jesus fuck Paul your hands are cold". He chuckled and did it again on purpose "Paul" he pouted "it ain't my fault it's cold babydoll". I rolled my eyes "I wanna touch one!" Marko whined "dude, no one is stopping you". He very eagerly sat next to me and joined Paul in playing with my nipple jewelry. "But yeah, what is 'tugg'?" David smirked and walked to me, he now stood directly in front of me. "Your our mate darling" I raised a brow "mate?" Paul laughed. "It's when the universe decides that two people are meant to be, like stellar partners". 

 David smirked "we all have a deeper connection with each other, a bond that can never break". Maybe it's because I'm high but I didn't understand a word he said. "Huh?" He just chuckled and curled his fingers under my chin. Then he leaned into me so that I could feel the words he spoke "you are ours and we are yours, and there isn't a thing that any of us can do about it". David's closeness and physical touch made my lip tremble and I felt so vulnerable. Right now I'm not so sure I would be able to go against anything he said. "Understand darling~" he purred. I quickly nodded, David chuckled "goodgirl" then he placed a small kiss on my lips. People talk about butterflies… I felt fucking fireworks going off in my stomach. Pleasurable pulses throughout my chest that made me want to lean in for more. However I didn't, I just sat there flushed as he smirked at me. "Well then… uh I should probably get home soon I actually need to uh feed my fish". The four of them laughed "awe~ you scared the poor thing away" Dwayne cooed. 

 Paul and Marko followed in the teasing, screw them, if they are going to be jerks they don't get boobs. The faces Marko and Paul made when I pushed their hands away and pulled up my shirt, one might have thought that you had slapped them. "Hold on babe we were only joking!" Paul whined "yeah, no need to make such rash decisions" Marko added. I grabbed my sweater "what no bra?" David asked me, I looked at him only to realize he had it in his hand. "David!" I squeaked out, he laughed as I got up to grab it and just pulled it out of my reach. "David give it back!" He again pulled it out of my reach and laughed. "David, I'm not playing your little game!" He smirked down at me as he held it high above his head. "Oh?" I crossed my arms and glared at him, he leaned in, just inches from my face. "Well then Darling, stop playing, take it" his blue eyes didn't leave mine. "No" I just put on my sweater "you can keep that, I have plenty" the other three laughed as they watched me walk away from David. "Wait! Baby! Y/N!" Marko called after me, "yes?" He now stood right behind me. "Oh lord- let me just" I backed up a little because he was so close "hi" he giggled. "Yes Marko?" He smirked "let us take you home?" I raised a brow. His eyes were wild and promised nothing but trouble. "I think I'm good" before I could leave again he gently took my hand. "Please? Paul was crushed when he didn't get his turn". From a distance I heard Paul "totally crushed!" I smiled a bit. "And… between me and you, the sooner he has his turn, the sooner I can have mine". He wiggled his brows and I giggled. "I would love to" Markos eyes lit up "but" he frowned "but?" I got serious again. "How am I supposed to know that you will take me straight home?" He pouted "straight home?". I nodded "yep straight home" he sighed "fine, we will take you straight home.. If you want to be boring or whatever". Again I giggled, Marko's pout was just so cute "aww poor thing~" I cooed at him. 

 He rolled those now slightly more tame eyes, and he put an arm around me. "Let's get you home baby girl" suddenly Paul was beside me as well. A smile crossed my face as the boys all very proudly got on their bikes and looked at me expectantly. Paul held his arm out for me to get on and I took it. As I slid onto his bike he rubbed down my arm in a very flirtatious manner. He then looked back at me as I wrapped my arms around him. "Comfy babe?" He asked nonchalantly, his eyes held the truth to his mind. And in them I could see he was truly excited… in that moment Paul looked beautiful. Not that he hadn't before, but the way his eyes had lit up after I got onto his bike made him glow. As I stared I felt the tugg, but now it's less uncomfortable, like more of a pleasant buzz through my chest.

  My whole look softened as I looked at Paul in a new light, "yeah…" it was more of a sigh than an answer. Those baby blue eyes that I have been staring at for so long drug down me slowly. While the other three had started their bikes and started off down the street he stayed still. "Paul shouldn't we catch up with the others?. His eyes ,for once, looked into mine. The gentle smile on his face was enough to make a girl weak. While I waited for his response he leaned in a little closer to me. For a second I thought he was gonna kiss me like David had earlier… but he didn't. He just got closer, "Paul-" he quietly hummed as his forehead touched mine. 

  Our eyes remained locked. Finally Paul whispered "I just wanted to be alone with you for a minute…". My stomach fluttered. For a moment I just imagined us all together. I imagined what 'being their mate' meant to them and how things would change between us. My brain went to many places… but they were all about us. My head rested on Paul's back as he started his bike and followed the others. 

  A quiet sigh left me as I enjoyed the moment.

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