Dinner with the frogs

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I raised a brow at the cherries in my hand, then the note beside it. Maybe Mike brought me in from the field and I just don't remember. That explains how I got into my room, there is no explanation for this note or the cherries. "This is fucking weird man" I was re-reading the note when there was a knock on my door. The door opened and I turned to face Mike "hey..". We haven't spoken since last night. He closed the door behind himself "I know that you understand something is wrong here (Y/N)". My lip trembled "Mike I'm sorry about last night-" he cut me off. "Not just that, them being here but not really, the memory loss, everything fucked up!". I swallowed "so you feel the tug too?" He nodded "yeah every time you're near Star?". My brows furrowed "no, I only feel it around them" he licked his lips before speaking again. "Either way it's weird, I think their holding Star hostage.." Now I interrupted him. "Mike they aren't holding her hostage, they aren't like that" he glared "and what makes you so sure (Y/N)!?". His yelling made me jump "because they sweet talked you? Flirted?". Mike stepped closer and I backed away a bit "god all you think about is love!". My eyes watered a bit "Jesus fucking Christ! Open your fucking eyes and think for once!. Or would that be too hard for you?" The hot tears were a liquid manifestation of all the words I couldn't say. Mike's eyes softened when he realised I was cowering from him. It was when I whimpered after he tried to hug me that he jumped back. "I-I'm gonna fix this (Y/N).. I promise" with that he started walking. Before he reached my door I ran and grabbed ahold of him, he spun and hugged me. "I'm sorry (Y/N)" I sniffled "I promise I'll make this right". We both walked downstairs and I watched him zip his jacket. Then he put out the mango candle mom had burning, I winced. "You're going to hurt yourself one day" he scoffed "Micheal, (Y/N). Max is coming to dinner. I'd like you to meet him".

Mike turned to her "I can't I have plans" he walked to the door "oh, Michael" she walked back to the stove. "You know things are going to change around this house when school starts". I walked with Mike to the door and whispered "be safe" he nodded. When he opened the door a man was standing right there. I jumped "hey" Mike glared "how-you doing?, you must be Michael.. Right?". In the most sarcastic,hostile voice he said "and you must be Max". He nodded "right, how are you?" He held his hand out for Mike who didn't take it. Then Max put his hand down "well you're the man of the house and I'm not coming in until you invite me". Mike scoffed and left, I felt bad and stepped up "Hi.. Sorry about Mike, he's in a bit of a mood, please come in". He smiled "thank you very much" I closed the door behind him and he turned to me. "You must be (Y/N)?" I nodded "yeah, well mom's just in there if you take a left" he smiled. "Well I must say, you are much more hospitable than your brother" then he walked into the kitchen.

I was going to join them when I was tapped by Sam, turning to him I smiled. "Hey Sammy.." I noticed the people with him "and Edgar and Allan?" Edgar was staring directly at my tits. "I'm having them for dinner" I nodded "well now I feel left out, maybe Bongo will be my guest" Sam laughed. I saw him explain who bongo was and they all laughed. When we came to the kitchen the two hid behind the door and I raised a brow at them. Before Sam called to her I caught a tiny glimpse of mom and Max kissing. "Mom these are my dinner guests Edgar and Allan, the frog brothers". They both glared at Max "I didn't know you were having guests" Sam turned to the side. "Well mom if we're in your way we can go eat some peanut butter out of the jar in the kitchen-" she interrupted "no there's plenty for everybody. Max this is my son Sam, and Edger an Allen.. Frog?" She asked, raising her brows.

They both nodded once and grunted.. It was disturbing.

When we sat down at the dinner table Sam asked that I sit opposite to Max, "okay?". Once we were all seated and served Max jokingly asked "any more surprise guests?". Looking up I said "just ol Bongo" he furrowed his brows confused as Mom and Sam started laughing. "Bongo?" Mom put a hand on Max's "oh thats her fish" Max seems interested. "Fish?" I nodded "I have a Siamese fighting fish, or uh Betta" he smiled "I had a fish bowl once, the fish usually only lasted a month or so..". I scoffed "because they were in a bowl, goldfish need at least a five gallon tank, a filter, and heater". Max smiled "you know a lot about fish" I nodded "sure do, Bongo will be three years old next August". His eyes were wide "wow.." Then he turned to mom "Lucy this looks terrific". She smiled "well I hope it tastes good" Max audibly said "mm" as he took a bite "it's terrific" as she sipped her wine she laughed "mmn, boy! Somebody around here has bad breath".

All three boys looked at Max, when he realized his eyes widened and he slowly looked at Edgar. A snicker escaped as I tried to hide my laughter, he then looked at me. Then we all looked back to mom when we heard Nanook whine, "Nanook, would you quit breathing on me?". Sam rolled his eyes "Nanook get upstairs, go on" as the dog left I noticed a bowl of parmesan "nice" I mumbled as I reached for it. Allan then snached the bowl before I could, I opened my mouth offended as he handed it off to Sam. He then asked Max "you want some Parmesan cheese on that?". Max looked at it "uh.. Yeah Sam, thank you very much" he took the small bowl and I glared at the two.

"Sam graded the cheese himself '' Max nodded "ah" mom proudly looked at Sam ''my son". Sam shrugged and I caught on the small signals that he and the frog brothers were sending each other. Max poured some Parmesan on his pasta "another budding chef in the family" then he set the bowl down. As he took another bite he gagged and spit the food out. My eyes widened "oh my goodness, are you alright?" Mom asked hurriedly, swallowing her mouthful of food. My eyes widened and I set down my fork, Max responded "y-yeah, it's not cheese.. It's garlic!". Sam looked away from the cold stare I sent his way.

"I bet you hate Garlic!" Sam exclaimed, Max looked at him "no I like garlic, it's just a little much" he chuckled. "It's raw garlic" mom. Picked up the bowl and sniffed, she then recoiled in disgust "garlic! How did that happen? Sorry". The three whispered to each other again and before I could stop them Sam yelled "here drink some water quick". By the time I grabbed his wrist Max was already soaked and mom was desperately trying to dry him. "Sam! What the matter with you!?" Me and mom both glared "does it burn!?" Max looked up. "Burn? What are you nuts!? It's freezing" mom looked at the damage "oh look at your suit Max, and your pants, I'm so sorry". He gently chuckled "awe it's alright" a very audible groan left me when I saw Edgar shut out the lights and Alan snuff the candle.

"Now what?" I heard them rustling around "must be the circuit breaker mom" now it's my turn "Sam I swear" when the lights came back on there was a mirror in front of Max. "Ah!" He shouted and jumped, Mom did to "Sam what has gotten into you tonight?". Max fixed his hair "I think I know what's going on around here tonight". Edgar looked at him "you do?" He looked down at Sam "I know what you're thinking Sam but you're wrong".

Sam looked at Edgar, then Max "I am?" Max nodded "yeah, I'm not trying to replace your father, or steal your mother away from you" Sma looked down shamefully. "I would just like to be your friend that's all" he fixed his suit "goodnight Lucy" on their way out mom whispered "thanks alot". After they were both gone Sam looked at me as if I were going to chew him out. I crossed my arms and glared at the three sternly "look, (Y/N)-" I cut him off "Sam I'm not angry, I'm just frustrated.. We can talk later". Mom and Max watched me as I walked up the stairs and went to my room.

The familiar smell of my wax melts calmed me a bit, then I remembered the chocolate cherries. As my eyes landed on them I felt a small burst of excitement. "Oh yeah" I grabbed the box and had one "mmn" I smiled while I ate it. The syrup mixed with the chocolate and crunchy cherry. Some got on my lips so I wiped it off with my thumb, thank you whoever left these here. As if magic the card fell onto my lap, I read the name that had been left behind "your Night".

My fave burned at the thought of a secret admirer.. But how they got into my room is beyond me. So is how they knew to get Anne's chocolate cherries.. Maybe it's a quinky dink. I was going to have another when something hit my window, it made me jump. After a short pause I went back to my cherries, another hit, "what the-" I felt the familiar tug. My brain was the only thing that moved. There is no way that.. They are here.. Wait if they're here.. MIKE!. I jumped up and ran to the window, my heart skipped several beats.. Then just as soon as I had panicked I was confused.

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