The run in with the run away dogs.

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Picture: Alex's cat
Song:" Straight to Hell" By; Falling in Reverse

Alex POV: Present day:


The loud obnoxious ringing of the bell chimes and fills the room. Signaling we get to leave our 3rd period class and go to lunch. Which is by far the best thing ever because out of all my six periods I only have Marci for three of them sadly, and I get to sit with her at lunch as well.

1st period: Foreign Language; Yes Marci!
2nd Period: Health Sci. Honors; No Marci
3rd Period: Chemistry Honors; No Marci
4th Period: Algebra 2 Honors; Yes Marci
5th Period: Language Arts Honors ; No Marci :(
6th Period; Government ; Yes Marci

Here's the thing about Marci and I. At this high school we aren't popular. In fact we are the weird kids who no one is friends with. So at any social even, including lunch, we always are at a table to ourselves. However, just like everyone else, we hear the schools latest gossip. Which we love to joke about in our own little world.

We may not be popular, but we do still hear the gossip.

" Oh hey did you hear that there are new kids coming to our school today?" Marci ask me. Chomping down on the regular school alacarte line. Chicken fingers and fries.

" No, I didn't know there were new kids." I reply.

How did I not sense them? Usually Im pretty good at sniffing out the new people.

" Keep your guard up. I sense things are about to change." Juniper warns me. She always warns me of things like this.

" Yeah, all I know is that there are four new guys. Today is their first day. I would assume that they are coming in a bit late due to the fact that no new kids are in here. But according to rumor, they are hotties beyond hot." She states laughing a bit as she eats her lunch.

Then as if on cue, four guys walk in and I have no idea who they are. All of them are taller than me just at a glance. One's got blonde curly hair, one with strait blonde hair and a lip ring, one who looks somewhat Asian with brownish black hair and brown eyes, and one with fair skin and crazy red hair. The last one looks very familiar though. Almost as if I know him.

I dont know, but the last guy seems very familiar to me. Who is he?

The one name I have in my head would be impossible. He wouldn't recognize me. He thinks Im dead. Which is how it should be. My destiny is away from all the packs. I just know it.

" Looks like they're here." I reply nodding towards them.

" Lets introduce ourselves. Might as well make some friends besides just us." Marci offered as we both get up and walked over to them.

"They're werewolves!!! " Me and juniper say at the same time as their dog scent hits my nose.

" Oh no! What in the Moon goddesses name are wolves doing here!?" I ask as I start to internally freak out.

" Well if they are all alone then they could be rogues. However, they don't smell like the Blackheart rogues. So if they came alone then there must be a reason they're hear. " Juniper tries to reason.

" What if they have information on the location of the Blackheart rogues? " I ask her. I may not want to get involved with the pack life, but I do want to kill their leader.

" Ok just keep cool, and try to talk to the one with curly hair, he seems to radiate the higher authority." Juniper states in her calm level voice.

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