State of my Head

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Picture: Maddie
Song: "State of My Head" By Shinedown

" That is classified, but it isn't in pack territory if that was your next question." Maddie says, obviously not willing to give up the clans location. If Im right, I can find this clan, and ask their leader to help i the fight. Angelis wont stop with wolves I bet, so they just help.

Alex's POV:

On the 6th day of the 6th month.....

Its been a few weeks since we received the final prophecy (According to Juniper). So much as been happening that I cant hardly tell vision from reality. A LOT has been done around here.

I visited the Shadowclaw Clan. Their leader was so nice, and welcoming. Especially to me. He wasn't too happy about me asking if he could help to fight a dogs fight. But, he did say that if the Rogues were winning, just yowl, and he would help.

He didn't exactly want to get involved. But, he sounded more than happy to send his troops to fight with us if the battle turns sour. All I need to do is flash the werecats special warning trigger. Apparently, were cats can sense when others are in trouble. So Juniper will be able to flash off her own call to them to ask for help.

I doubt we'd need it.

Since then, Ive been training nonstop. Everyone has. Especially Kaitlin, her magic is so cool. She can just work her magic without a second thought. Its become her second nature. Sadly, she needs that necklace, without it she has no magic.

Marci and I have been helping her train, and we've all gotten very close. Kaitlin and Chloe are a little awkward, but I think they're friends.

I hope she stays away from the fight, but I think she isn't going to let her mate fight without her. She can kick butt with her magic. Along with her training, she would actually fight our best pack members with her magic. Obviously shes got her own way of fighting, because all she does is offensive fighting, using all four elements to her advantage.

Ashton was kind enough for today, being the day before the war, to be a rest day. People are out with family and friends. Spending about as much time with people before we have to fight tomorrow.

I hate to say it, but some of these people wont be returning with us when this is over.

Today, Im with my amazing, and fabulous mate Damien. He has been a real trooper through it all. Forming battle plans with Derek, and Ashton. Thankfully today is an us day. So, it will literally be just him and me.

We currently are at some nature park having a picnic date.

Off in the distance, I spot a cute little table that looks out right across this beautiful lake that is in the park.

"Here, lets sit here." I tell Damien. Pulling him with me to the table.

Sitting at the table we pull out the blanket, food, and the plates to eat. While were eating, we talked about so much. Planning the future I guess.

As Im staring off into the distance, eating my sandwich, I turn to Damien after he calls my name.

" Hey, you know I love you right?" Damien ask. Looking all serious. Rubbing his thumb over my hand that he's holding.

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