Lets go home! Part 1

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Picture: Alex's cat
Song: " Resurrect the Sun" by Black Veil Brides


""Ok, so we'll go back to the Redsilver pack. Ill talk to Your Father , and see what I can do about joining. THEN AND ONLY THEN. Will you take me to the Black heart rogues." I say demanding.

Giving them the ' You're- doing-this-with-or-without-me' look

" Ok! Ok! Don't get your pants in a wad, well take you." Michale says clearly a little annoyed at the fact I keep asking.

Alex POV:

" Hey! Im home!" I yell, dropping my stuff off in the dining room.

" Oh Hey Alex how was your day." Ms. Cancer ask me as she goes to hug me. Coming from the kitchen is the smell of spaghetti, which I love!

" Good. And Guess What?!" I ask Excitedly.

" What!" She says Happily.

" I met these four guys who are all wolves from The RedSilver pack!" I say excitedly. But before Mrs. Cancer can give me a lecture on how this is a bad idea, I quickly but in the plans for tomorrow.

" Also, we agreed to meet up tomorrow at twelve and go to the Redsilver pack. So I can join, go to the Spring Formal, and then train with their pack to attack the Blackheart rogues! " I say almost squealing in excitement. Spitting it out quickly.

" Wait! Youre Leaving tomorrow?!" She says surprised. Shock and anger written in her face.

I nod slowly in response with a nervous smile on my face. It's never a good idea to make her angry.

For a few seconds she seems to process what I told her as she stares at me disapprovingly.

Knowing that she is deciding wether to let me go or not. But it doesn't matter anyways, because I have a gut feeling that what Im doing is what Im suppose to be doing.

I don't like you right now Juniper.

" What! Why?" She exclaims.

I told you that I'm happy with where I'm at, and you turn around an set the ball in motion.

" Well, it's not my fault. This was bound to happen." She defends. With a huff I tune into what Mrs. Cancer is saying.

I'm more nervous than excited to go back.  I have this feeling that this is all happening for a reason, and that's what is exciting. But, I like being a no body.

" Yeah..... That's not gonna happen"

With a sigh, Mrs. Cancer sternly states " I should go with you. I promised your parents I was to protect you, and so Im coming with you. No buts, ands, or ifs." She says in her final voice.

I nod quickly, and race upstairs into my room to pack some clothes, etc. Ill make sure to pack EVERYTHING.

" What about the Blackheart rogues? How will we get our revenge?"

I don't know, I just figured that I could team up with the RedSilvers, attack the BlackHearts, and leave.

" Alex, what do you want to do for dinner?" Ms. Cancer yells from downstairs.

" Umm, can we order pizza. I want to invite Marci over and tell her where I've been, is it ok if she spends the night?" I ask yelling back.

" Yeah we can order pizza, and make sure its ok with marci if she stays the night or not?" She ask me as I begin to go downstairs and grab my phone.

Txt message:

Alex: Hey you free tonight?

Marci: Yep, whats up?

Alex: I got good news to tell you... But you need to stay the night. That ok?

Marci: Yeah sure, be their at 7.

7:00 :

The doorbell suddenly chimes loudly as I race down to get the door. The pizza guy just delivered our pizza, and I was just wrapping up the slice I was eating.

" Hey, Marci's here?" I yell as I open the door.

" You called, I came. Now Whats up? " Marci says as soon as the door is open. Giving me a quick hug and leading me to the living room to sit on the couch.

" What!? A girl cant invite a friend over just for fun?" I ask nonchalontly. She lifts her eyebrow up in a way that says

Really-I-aint-falling-for-that and rolled her eyes. Smiling of course.

" Ok fine,. I DO Have SOME news. Just set your stuff in my room and I'll tell you when you come back down." I say.

With a huff, she snaps her fingers as her bags magically disappear, and a loud thump goes off upstairs. Meaning her stuff is now in my room, and with another snap a slice of pizza on a plate appears in her hands.

" Hey! What did I tell you? No magic in the house! " Mrs. Cancer yells. Making us both laugh as she mutters " Darn kids, too lazy to drag their buts around anywhere."

" Ok, what did you want to tell me?" Marci ask me as settles down to eat.

" Well... You know those four new boys that we met at school today?" I ask, she nods in reply.

I sigh

Here goes nothing. Just spit it out real quick, like tearing off a band aid.

"CometofindouttheirallwerewolvesfrommyoldpackandtomorroweregoingincludingMs.CancertotravelbacktotheRedsilverpacktotalktothealphaandseeifIcanrejoinandthengetmyrevengeontheBlackheartrogues." I rush out quickly afraid that she'll flip out. As she just stares at me comprehending what I said. I did say it kind of fast.

" Wait! Let me get this straight." She says after a few minuets. " You JUST met these four boys, ditched school. Oh BY THE WAY, I had to cover for you all day. And now TOMORROW You, them, AND Ms. Cancer are ALL LEAVING just to rejoin Redsilver and gain reinforcements so that you can get your revenge?! Do you relise just how NUTS YOU SOUND! I mean first of all, how would you find reinforcements? How will you get the Alpha to agree with you and your crazy plan?!" She exclaims clearly freaking about me leaving.

" You see, I already thought of that... When I was little my father was the pack Warrior, so I was close with the Alpha. I guess you could say I was the daughter he never had. The Spring Formal is coming up, so Im going to go and find my mate. Which isn't the point, but the only problem will be getting them to realise its ME. Since I let everybody believe I was dead for all these years. Then regain their trust and then go after the Blackhearts. However if the Alpha doesnt let me in, Im going to face them ALONE." I state proudly since I already have a plan.

Come one how many people can get a plan together THAT FAST? Im proud of myself.

"Yeah, Yeah, just dont get a big head about it. " Juniper exclaims.

I wont, Im just proud of myself.

" Ugg, whatever." She says then goes away.

" Fine, BUT However I'm going with you. I may be a witch, but Im still going."

We then continue the night with her suddenly planning to come with me, watching movies, snacking on pizza, and planning how she'll get her witch training.


Hey! This Chapters updated again ! Yay!!! (8/25/17)

I hope these updated chapters are better than before .

Hope y'all enjoy!! Dont forget to vote/comment

CheshieCat15 👻👻

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