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The words Stacy spoke on that rooftop actually stuck with James

He didn't know what to do. Not one bit.

He couldn't tell the team. Not because he was entitled or because he was scared

Because it wasn't their problem to know.

Stacy was right. This was his legacy, his mission, his problem.

James needed a place to think so he went to the only person he knew that could help him
"Hey Dad"

Looking up at his Father's memorial with his original suit that was destroyed and the bio next to his video James sighed

"I'm stuck. Truly I am. In about 5 hours Stacy's going to Russia to deal with the red room"

The words escaped his mouth and he couldn't help but look at his Mother's Memorial

"Yeah mom....their back. And worse than ever"

James sighed

"How did you do it Dad ? kept it together through all the odds. Faced impossible decisions and didn't even blink an eye. Even when you had no clue what to do you still prevailed no matter what the cause"

"Honestly I'm lost. And what's worse I feel like a hypocrite. I told Azari not to face his Family heritage because I was too busy with Stacy and now look at me. Im contemplating weather to go to Russia and find out more about your History Mom"

A chuckle escaped his mouth

"I guess I am your son Mom, although I'm sure the red hair gave it away"

Without even noticing James started to play with his red hourglass necklace that hung around his neck

"If you were here right now Mom you'd probably tell me to suck it up and make a decision. Both have negative outcomes so that would automatically mean both are bad options taking the weight off my shoulders.....for some reason that doesn't make me feel any better"

Again James sighed as he ran a hand through his red hair

"I don't get it. We beat Ultron and helped rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D. Helped rebuild the rest of the world along with it. Sure it took a while but We did it and now it's like I just opened up more problems to deal with. You get rid of one evil and another sprouts back up. It's like a never ending cycle and I....I......I don't know if I have what it takes to make the hard calls and decisions. I don't know if......if I have what it takes to be......to be Captain America"

Immediately James shook his head in defeat as he looked at his parents Memorial again

"You know this would be a lot better if you could talk back......"

Again the silence prevailed and James just hung his head low

"Forget it....good talk"

With that James tucked his hands in his pocket and began to walk away

"When I woke up the first thing I thought of was where was my best friend"

In confusion James turned around to see a video playing at his Father's Memorial. It was of him ? doing some type of interview. He was wearing his Captain America costume but his mask was off

"Even though he died. I never stopped thinking about him. Sometimes I would go to sleep and dream it was all fake. That he didn't close that door and said those final words to me. Risking his life to save me and try and defuse that bomb"

James could hear the tone in his Father's voice as he was beginning to crack

"And everyday I ask myself...If.....If...If I was just strong enough Maybe I could've been the one to die that day and not him.....because god knows I'd jump in front of a bullet for Bucky in a heartbeat"

Rolling his eyes James smirked

"Guess you did speak back after all"
Later that night when everyone was sleep James as the only one awake as he was in his room filling his Duffel bag

Clothes, water, food, basic things of course. But the main thing being held over his head was when he looked at his table to see his father's Shield next to 2 dual pistols

It was almost like a silhouette of sorts choosing which side of his parents to choose

Captain America brought hope and inspired people to be better be a hero

But this mission wasn't about being a hero

James knew he had to be something more. Something more than Captain America. He had to be a different person

Something darker deep in him that's hidden in the shade of his father's light

Grabbing the guns James put them in his duffel bag leaving the Shield behind before zipping the bag up and strapping it around his shoulders

James knew what the team would think if he was gone and frankly he didn't want them to worry. This was his mission not there's so the best thing to do would be to leave them guessing for a while until he got back
Looking at her phone Stacy sighed

It was 2 minutes after the deadline she gave James

"Jesus Rogers your even more of a coward than I could imagine" she said before taking her feet off the dashboard

"Oh really ? I could get off this plane right now ?"

Turning around Stacy saw James with a smirk on his face

"Are you happy to see me ?" he teased only adding on to Stacy's blush

"Shut up and take your seat"

Obviously avoiding the question James put his bag down and took the co pilot seat as Stacy started the jet

"Bag's kinda small, did the Shield really fit ?"

"Didn't bring it" James rescinded as the two put on their headphones

"What ? why ?"

Starting the engines the jet started to move down the runway as James began to look out the window

"Because I'm not embracing my father's legacy right now"

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