New Problem New Foe it just never ends

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For 3 days

3 unholy impossible days Torunn's had to survive with the fact that her closest friends her family

Are gone

It wasn't fair

It just wasn't fair. The only family she had left the only people she cared about in her life

Were gone....gone reduced to nothing more but atoms in the air

For the past 3 nights Torunn woke up in nightmares and screams. Crying Because her family was gone. And truly enough the days weren't any better as they passed as now she truly was a crying mess. Red face due to too much crying or her pure anger lashing out on anything she could

Torunn knew nothing more than pure anger and hatred. As for the past 3 days her hands bled red from all the training she's been doing. Her knuckles and hands blistered from the grip of her sword as she knew what she needed to do. She had to prepare to take back her Kingdom. To take back the Throne. To Kill her Step Mother and Step Brother once and for all

Standing in her dressing room along the Gladiator Pit Torunn heard a faint knock on the door

"Come in" she coldly said

It was a maid one wearing of blue who was smiling

"Aww you look beautiful" she said referring to her hair in a ponytail and her shiny silver armor. Her sword strapped to her Back

"Thanks" Torunn replied not even wasting a Breath to look at the woman as she went back to doing her air punches

Even Though was signaling the woman to read the fact that she didn't care the maid continued to persist

"You know I have something that you might want in your fight"

"Unless it's my family back I don't want it, now please I request you to leave at once"

Even though Torunn's words were as sharp as her blade the maid didn't seem to mind as she just continued to smile as she pulled something from her robe

"This belonged to your mother" The maid said

Those simple words made Torunn stop as a shiver ran down her spine. Slowly she turned back to look at the woman

"What ?"

Again the maid continued to smile as she brought forth the Silver crown with the red gem in the middle

"Queen Sif would wear this all the time. Even while in the Throne, the higher officials would want her to take it off but she never would as she would always say the same thing"

Handing the crown to Torunn the maid smiled as the blonde young woman slightly hesitated in taking it

"She always said the day I take off the crown is the day my daughter becomes Queen"

Looking up at the maid Torunn held an open mouthed expression as the maid just nodded

"Today is that day"

Torunn was truly for the better words lost in thought as she didn't know how to feel

Joy ? Shock ? Surprise ? Anger ?

For a lack of better words Torunn truly was lost as she just continued to grip her mothers crown within her hands

That was until her concentration was knocked into the wind as the sound of the dressing room door being banged upon before it was soon opened up revealing an Asgardian Guard

"Come with me. I shall bring you to the pit"

His voice was stern and deep reminding Torunn that this wasn't a game it was life or death

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