New Age

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It was happening. Every night, every single night it happened

James didn't know why it began or how but it did and he didn't know how to stop it

The dreams would alter every night one night he'd dream of his Father. The life he never had. A life where his Father was still with him. Helping him with his first steps, first bike ride, first shield throw. And some other nights it would switch to his mother. He would get glimpses of her kissing his scraped knee if he fell down. Or her singing a russian Lullaby to him before kissing his forehead to sleep. And even sometimes he would get dreams of them doing Ballet together

At first James just thought it was his mind missing his parents so he thought nothing of it. But soon enough he started to get nightmares. Their cold dead bodies lay in a pile of rubble. Or the sight of his Father frozen in ice and he found the body

But worst of all was night. Tonight he felt everything. The pain, the aches, the emotion

Being knocked to the ground James coughed up a series of blood before looking up to see his mother. They were in a padded room, the only light being shown was one of red as she just had a disappointed look on her face

"жалко, это все, что ты можешь мне дать, все, что ты можешь дать Джейми. Я даю вам гены двух суперсолдат, и это то, что вы можете предложить" (pathetic, this is all you can give me, all you bring Jamie. I give you the genes of two super soldiers and this is what you have to offer)

Bringing a gun forth from her holster she groaned before aiming it at him

"думаю, мне придется попробовать еще раз" (guess I'll have to try again)


"AHH !"

Waking up with sweat dripping along his body and his red hair ruffled James just sighed as he looked over to his Father's shield being hung up on the wall

Another night another bad dream

But how many of them was he going to have












The bright and early morning revealed upon the clouds of the Helicarrier as everyone was up and at it

Well not everyone

Opening into the training room of the Helicarrier everyone saw the piles of workout equipment dropped along the floor as James was currently building up a sweat and without a doubt overworking the Simulation Machine to no one's surprise everyone was used to this. Everyone but Sam

"Has he been here all night ?"

"Yep" everyone said in unison

"But how ? he seems so focused he doesn't even look tired ?"

"Live with James Rogers long enough you'll find out this isn't the first time nor will it be the last you find out he's been training since 4 am in the morning" Pym said

"But what's he training for ?"

"Sometimes Rogers trains just to train, helps him clear his mind and let out his aggression. You might not know it but the dude's a hard case" Francis said before everyone turned to see James flip the combat knife that was in his hand dodging the holograms swing before striking the knife watching as it disappeared

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