The Beginning of the End

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Beat after beat James and Sam went blow for blow with Ian

Even with the sudden reveal from Sam that Ian turned out to be his half brother that didn;t stop Sam from the main objective

Kicking Ian's ass

Blocking a punch from James ian quickly grabbed the red heads arm before performing a back kick knocking Sam back

James threw another punch but Ian had caught his arm making them lock together before giving the young man a serious headbutt making him flair to the ground before Ian landed a heavy kick to his face fully making him fall

Snapping backwards Ian immediately grabbed Sam with one hand by his wings stopping him mid flight to slam him back down to the ground below with a heavy crash before he soon got on one knee to his level to wrap his hands around his neck

Furiously kicking him in his side ribs Ian groaned before quickly being met by an angered James who quickly tackled him forcing him off of Sam

In their roll James had gotten the upper hand as when they got back up James held Ian in a tight position using his knee to hold a secure hold on the back of his arm as he also pulled the arm itself in a weak attempt to try and snap it

With his other hand James held Ian by the face along with having his other leg wrap around his other arm to keep him ground and the movement only made the older super soldier let out a animalistic growl

Sam soon came into the scene kneeing Ian straight in the face with an added boost from his jet back before doing a roundhouse kick to hit him straight tin the face flattering him heavily

Sam too pushed back against the same Arm James was pressuring using his jetpack to give more boost to the attack and soon enough all 3 were yelling giving into their strength all for different reasons

Small cracks could be heard and Ian's yell grew stronger when he heard a small snap in his arm

That was the breaking point for him as with a final roar of pain Ian mustard all his strength together and used his opposite hand that wasn't getting pressed to grab James's leg

The red head's eyes went wide in a gasp before Ian grabbed him and threw him off of him before he grabbed Sam too throwing him at James

James had barely caught Sam but ultimately it didn't matter as soon enough the two boys were grabbed by their necks before getting slammed into the nearby stone wall and being pinned

Ian growled as he raised them up by each hand both boys retreating to try and pry his grip free but it was no use

James couldn't understand it. He was supposed to be a superior super soldier but Ian by the looks of it was way stronger than him.

Kicking Ian square in the face Sam followed up with his own kick before the two boys both pointed their hands out

James activated his widow bites shocking Ian forcing him to drop them and Sam shot forth 2 winged blades pierce Ian straight in his chest before retracting them back pulling him forth to meet James's high knee

Jumping up to punch Ian James caught the super soldier before delving his own 2 hooks passing him on to Sam who kicked him in his side before doing a back kick making Ian stumble back

It wasn't until James vaulted over Ian before jumping off the wall to deliver a spin kick that James and Sam nodded at one another talking in silent agreement before they attacked together rushing in one singular unit each grabbing him by his neck and lifting him up to deliver one grand slam

The attack seemed strong enough to lay Ian out cold. As he was slumped out upon the floor. Lights out

Both James and Sam's body ached in pain as slowly they both let out gasp after gasp for air while they clutched their bodies to try and tense the pain within them

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