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Walking into the Helicarrier Sam followed right behind James as the red head took the young black man into the training room where the rest of the team was currently training

"Everyone's typically nice so don't feel threatened, Torunn like's meat, Azari loves to go on about his heritage, Pym loves science and don't touch Francis's goggles. Besides that your fine"

Nodding his head showing he agreed James whistled before he spoke


Francis shot his arrow hitting a perfect bullseye before he turned his head to see James and Sam

"Who's the new guy ?"

Stepping out the way James showed the team Sam

"Everyone, meet Sam Carter Wilson, son of Falcon and Sharon Carter"

Immediately everyone's eyes lit up as they slowly started to walk towards the two

"Woah, what ? more hero kids ? first Elena then Stacy now Sam ? How many of us survived ?" Pym began

"No clue but it's nice to have another brother on board" Azari said as he stuck out his hand a gesture Sam liked as he shook it


"So Sam" Francis said "what's your thing, you the new Falcon ?"

The question made Sam chuckle as he nervously scratched the back of his head

"Ehh, not much of a Superhero per say, more of an engineer. And Tech magnet"

"Then I'm sure you and brother Pym will get right along"

Clapping his hands James spoke out

"Alright then, Sam get to know the Helicarrier, Guys can I talk to you in the meeting room real quick, there's something we need to discus"

Everyone nodded their heads before vacating out the room as Sam just smiled looking around the place before James put his hand on his shoulder

"Welcome to the Avengers Sam"

Sam smiled

"Glad to be here"









"So we're adding Sam to our team now"

Leaning against his desk James shook his head

"Not fully, he just needs a place to stay for a while so I opened up a room for him to stay in"

"Well he has my vote he already seemed useful" Azari said

"So what was this meeting truly about James" Torunn said

The question made James blow a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair leading to his neck before crossing his arms

"On my Run as you all know I met Sam, but turns out he knows more than I thought he did"

"What do you mean by that, James ?"

"What I mean is...we think there's more Villains out there than we think....from our parents time"

Immediately when the news dropped everyone went wide eyed

"What ?"

"Hold up, how is that possible, I thought most of them were dead" Francis said "Ultron wiped out everyone"

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