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Everyone in the Car was asleep, ranging from Rebecca who was leaning on Laura's shoulder in the back seat. Rachel and Nate who were also asleep with their cuffs still on so that just left Stacy who took the driving shift as they drove within the city

For most of the ride it was nothing short but quiet and peaceful. Nothing but soft driving and listening to the sounds of the road

But when the group finally reached their destination and the car came to a stop everyone strangely all woke up at the same time like when your parents are driving you home from school and you wake up on your street

Not like any of these kids would know what it's like to have parents

Rubbing her eyes with her arms Rachel groaned

"Whe...where are we ?"

Rebecca too was beginning to wake up but she was faster than others when Laura flicked her off her shoulder

"Wherever we are it better have a bed, I've been needing some beauty sleep since Georgia"

Nate had looked out the window wondering too where they are as he saw nothing but the city behind them and a Gate

"The hell ?" he mumbled

Opening her door Stacy began to get out and Rebecca and Laura soon followed helping the telepath twins out their confined seat

"You know the offer still stands. When I get out of these. I'm gonna fry each and everyone of you" Nate growled to Laura though he probably shouldn't have done that as she just quickly made him wince in pain when she squeezed his arm a little harder than normal

"You try anything fry boy and I'll respark our Father's rivalry with your head at the end of my claws"

"Serious Stac, where are we ?" Rebecca asked as she held onto Rachel kindley

The group continued to follow the super soldier mutant for answers but she just smiled as she dusted off an old sign

An old sign that immediately made everyone gasp and go wide eyed as within seconds everyone already knew where they were

And no one could even believe it was still standing

Charles Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters














With Earth within distance Cat grabbed continued to stroke her hair with a brush fixing her ruffled strands as she wore her star lord outfit

She knew James needed to return to Earth but she didn't know why

Truly she didn't even know where she and James stood in their relationship all she knew was she needed to go to town on the Super Soldier again before they had an answer

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