Blind Eye

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Lucy continued to prepare for dinner, cooking in the pot and pan as she continued to stir

"Dinner's just about done babe"

"Ok" Danielle said as she finished typing the last bit of her report

Right as Lucy went to grab the bowls needed for dinner the blonde heard a knock at the door making her raise an eyebrow

"We didn't expect anyone ?"

With a simple swing open of the door it revealed a sad Elena as she sniffed and wiped her eyes


Immediately Lucy went wide eyed

"Oh my god Elena are you ok ?"

"Yeah, sorry for dropping in like this I just...god I need some friends right now"

"Hey, Lucy who was at the doo-"

Danielle stopped when she caught wind of Elena

"Elena ?"

"Hey, can I come in"

"Of course, of course come, tell us what's wrong"

"Boy where do I begin"











Frank continued to walk around the apartment, his thoughts filled throughout the place as he looked at the framed picture of Matt and Elektra

Frank sighed

"I'm sorry, I failed you. Both of you"

"You placed your trust in me, hoped I'd be the best protection for your little girl, raise her, train her, keep her safe"

"But in the end all I ended up doing was ruining her life, I couldn't even take care of her in my final hours because of that injection the Ultron robot gave me...I failed"

"Failed as a friend, as a brother, you put your faith in me and this is what I did with it.....I..."

Frank sighed

"I don't know why you guys even chose me in the first place"

Immediately the door was crashed down revealing a large sum of men in vest with high powered guns

Immediately Frank hit the deck, dropping to the ground behind a dresser as bullets began to fly shooting everything in sight

Frank plugged his ears attempting to cover the sound of the bullets dropping but the sound continued to blare through

As the gunfire continued Frank could feel his sickness take over. He was slowly dying and he didn't know which would take him out first

The bullets or his injection

Deciding to make the choice himself he made a quick beeline for his room slamming the door and locking it quickly before ducking behind the bed moving away from the many plethora of gunfire that was shot his way

After a halting time of gunfire the bullets soon stopped giving Frank a chance to breathe as he immediately let out a agonizing groan as he tightly clutched his stomach

He got a look at himself in the mirror

He looked like shit

'Kingpin Jr probably figured how mommy died now he's come back for a blood debt' Frank thought as he stumbled to his closet

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