Victor Von Doom

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"NO ! NO ! FUCK YOU !"

Elena just groaned as her arms were folded


"NO !" the platinum blonde exclaimed as he threw the sword down onto the table

The sounds of their problems and commotion had awakened Lucy and Danielle. Bringing the two girls out from their shared room

Rubbing her eyes in a tired expression Lucy had let loose a yawn

"Didn't know we had company. If so I would've actually tried to get up"

Elena had only rolled her eyes as Francis continued to stomp through the apartment in a flurry of anger

With a small head tilt Danielle had examined the scene of Francis and Torunn before raising her eyebrow

"What's going on here ? Did we miss anything ?"

"NO !" Elena and Francis had shouted before Elena snapped back to the sword and tossed it to Francis again. Once more the platinum blonde had caught the weapon and only gripped it tightly as his face scrunched

No, he refused to believe it. He didn't once believe that this Ronin was his father. His Father wouldn't have done the things this Ronin would've even if there was a picture of him with the suit. All the shit they've faced. Skrulls, Molting faces, whatever the fuck Francis refused to belive Clint Barton had any other alias except Hawkeye

Elena had opened her mouth once again to talk but was stopped when Francis's wrist device let out a bleep grabbing his attention and furthermore canceling this conversation

With the sword in hand Francis looked at his wrist to inspect what caused it to bleep leaving everyone else in a state of confusion. But when his eyes grew wide in a shocked manner everyone else's confusion grew more

Bringing his hand down Francis unlatched the sword bringing the blade back down into the holster before sliding the handle into his jacket pocket before he began to make his leave

"I gotta go" he announced making the 3 girls more confused as they looked at one another

"What ?" Danielle stated but it didn't stop Francis from heading towards the door

In a singular manner a rope was tied around Francis's arm stopping him from opening the door. The Platinum Blonde had looked at the red rope before following its trail to find Elena holding one of her Billy Clubs in hand

"Don't think your just gonna cuss me out and then leave Bow Boy, what did that little watch of yours say"

With a growl of his teeth Lucy had smirked as she could feel a fight was coming on

"If you were smart you would let me go"

Elena had only smirked though as the grip on her line grew stronger

"1/0" she stated

Immediately Francis grabbed the line and yanked it along with Elena on the other end. But when she had reached up to him Francis was immediately met with a drop kick forcing him to the ground as Elena's wire was placed back into her club

Doing an immediate kick up Francis grabbed his two poles and twirled them in his hand before snapping into a fighting position holding them sternly. Elena only smirked, following suit as she revealed her 2nd Billy club

"Really think you can go toe to toe with me Franky"

"I'm still alive aren't I"

Danielle had a face of worry as she didn't want her newfound friend and Hawkeye's son fighting in their apartment

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