Into the Unknown

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Well boys today's the day" Francis said as him, Sam, James and Pym were all putting on their spaces suits

Besides the added blue and white suits Franklin made the finishing touches modifying the suits to adapt to each and everyone's personal gear for easier access added with a little upgrade to Sam's retractable wings

Pym was practically vibrating in his seat with excitement as he couldn't wait to adventure and explore the reality of space so many of his unanswered questions ready to be answered ! the cosmos at his reach ! Pym could practically see the shining stars in the ship ready to be drawn to him

"Hey Pym you ok ? you seem buzzed" Sam asked as Pym was supporting a rather fizzled grin on his face

"All of the cosmos at my reach.....the power of everything in my grapes.....the test I will conceive it'll all be mine MINE"

Everyone just looked at Pym weirdly and in confusion before deciding to divert their attention from him

While whisking at his widow bites James's attention was caught when he saw Sam looking at his retractable wings within the suit.

"Franklin did pretty good with your design huh, looks like a perfect replica"

A grin formed on Sam's face

"Yeah, the fact that he was able to add my wings and jet pack to the suit ir pretty awesome"

Doubted by his words James came up to the young black boy putting his arm on his shoulder in a reassuring way

"Look I know you haven't had much field training yet and your first official mission being in the infinite likes of space can be a little tense bu-"

Sam just chuckled before patting James's back in a friendly manner

"Look James, I'm fine, trust me. I have training I know how to use my gear......even if I find myself in Zero gravity"

With a soft smile James nodded his head before making way to his Father's shield that was leaned against the wall

"Hey James, you sure you wanna bring that ?. I mean we're gonna be going to some nasty and unwanted places on this trip. I'm sure having America's most valued artifact traveling across the known galaxies is gonna be pretty risky"

Truly even before Pym mentioned it James was thinking about it. This was the first time he was going in blind in unknown territory. He didn't know what to expect or what enemies there would be. He didn't even know if the likes of the star flagged shield would bring them enemy's or foe so maybe Pym was right maybe bringing the Shield would be the wrong call

But James also had a gut feeling and a voice inside his head saying he didn't care what this mission brought. Because he would be stronger with it.

Grabbing the shield James strapped the proactive weapon onto his back before turning back to his team

"Alright Avengers, let's go to space"
The Blue and White themed Space ship had been moved up from the garage to the top roof of the baxter building

The sight view of Neo New York in the morning was one of glory and amazement

It was a sight that the 4 boys would have one last chance to soak up before spending the next amount of days in the deep vacuums of space

"Alright your suits are calibrated to all the tech and your gear on the ship. Pym has your courses set. And you all know what to do" Franklin stated as he went down the list of everything triple checking all the equipment before putting away his tablet

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