Stacy Sarah Barnes

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"You think she's a mutant !"

"I don't think, I know, She caught my Shield dead center. As her arm wrapped in some sort of Diamond covered tint"

"Ok well maybe she's just a Super Soldier like you" Francis persisted

"Um hello you don't see James transforming his body into Diamond"

"Pym what's the reading on the Bullet ?"

Rearing away from the Magnifying glass Pym left the Bullet case on display as he looked back at everyone else

"It's amazing a solid covered Diamond Piercing round Bullet. It's clean and it's Hard Definitely can piece through a lot of solid metals James you definitely don't want to be at the end of that"

"Well Theory confirmed Ms Frostbite here is a Mutant" James said

The sliding door opened too the Lab and in came Azari as the rest of the team turned too look at him

"Ok guys don't freak out but I might've just found out more about Ms Stacy Barnes"

"What ?"

Emerging too the Prince everyone surrounded the table he placed his book on as Azari revealed a Picture of a blonde woman

"Who the hell is that ?" Francis said

"Emma Frost. She was a member of the X-Men back in our Parents time, the same Team my Mom was on. The X-Men were a team of Mutants like me and our Mystery Woman. And get this Her Ability was Telepathy and she could turn her skin into Diamonds"

"Ok that's great and all but that could just be a coincidence"

"What a coincidence that they both love the color white and have Shiny Blonde hair yeah I don't think so she's Definitely Frostbite's Mom"

Chewing on his lip with his arms crossed James turned to J.AR.V.I.S.

"Hey J.AR.V.I.S."
"Yes Ms Rogers"

"Did Uncle Bucky and this Emma Frost have any relations to each other"

"Yes sir, Ms Frost and Mr Barnes started a relationship with each other only 2 weeks After Mr Barnes checked himself into Therapy. After that the rest was History"

"Well would you look at that James, turns out the killer Assassin is the Daughter of your Dad's Best Friend. And your Mom's Ex Boyfriend. Wow weird turn of events huh-"

Francis's teasing was shut down by a punch to the Face by James
The sink was full of blood as the Bathroom was filled with grunts and groans. Pulling out each Bullet one by one

"lIke Daddy always said. Pain is only a factor if you give into it GAH !"

The last bullet was dropped as Stacy clenched her fist tightly before coding her arm in Diamonds healing her wounds

Tapping her Pad she Reviewed a Camera feed of the chase last night

"Tall Red hair, skilled. Cute"

Then she paused at the moment when she caught the Shield

"Bingo, Well would you look at that Daddy, Guess I found Uncle Steve's Shield"

Unclenching her fist Stacy grabbed the Pad as she left the Bathroom walking into her full white penthouse as she plopped herself on the couch matching the face to the list of reports she had

Opening the File she nearly passed out as she viewed the name

"James Clintion Rogers, well I'll be damned. Turns out Mr Thief is a family friend"

Making a Diamond cut Knife from her hands Stacy turned as she looked at her board of targets

"Alright Mr Rogers, Time to say hello" she said as she threw the knife on the board hitting straight on his his head

"And goodbye"

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