Sam Wilson

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Wilson Fisk

The Kingpin

The many most people feared him

Little did they know


"Your Father can say very little words, so please be slow with him"

Richard nodded his head before stepping into the room. Closing it on his way in

Every step Richard took felt like his breath was getting darker and darker. He always saw his Father as this invincible force. The Kingpin of Crime

Now, he's nothing more than an obsessed man with stage 3 cancer

The giant portrait of his mother stood over Fisk's bed along with her picture on his nightstand

"Dad....." RIchard said

Fisk only responded in a series of groans and mumbles. Hell it was the most he's heard him say in a long time. Almost a secret blessing in disguise

"Dad, it's me.....Richard"


Immediately the young man's eyes lit up

"DAD ! DAD !"

Again Fisk started to stir in bed staring blankly into the ceiling as he continued to mumble


"What are you saying Dad ?"


"Book ?"

Again the old Wilson Fisk just nodded his head as he slowly and weakly raised his shriveled hand up

Richard was in utter amazement as this was the most he's ever seen his father move

It was a miracle

Fisk attempts in speech continued as his once shivered and wrinkled oversized hand fell to the bed

"Book" he mustard out painfully before landing himself in a series of coughs

Immediately Richard went wide eyed as he rushed to his Father's Bedside

"Dad ! DAD ! DON'T WORRY, I'LL GET THE BOOK !" he said before running off to his bookshelf

Usually Willson's Fisk room would be full of expensive collectibles and such and a plethora of books. But now, all there stood was a empty bookshelf

Well not empty as there was a singular black book laid flat on it's back

Picking it up Richard saw that the cover was pitch black and the same applied to the paper too

"Dad ? this is empty ?"

Fisk Didn't respond causing Richard's suspicion as he turned back to see he drifted off into his sleep making him sigh

"Sleep well I guess"









Walking into the breakfast room James was greeted with the sight of Francis and Torunn eating at the table as he went to make some orange juice

Immediately the two blonde's caught wind of James's Shirt and sweats granted it's 6 in the morning

"Plan on going somewhere James ?" Francis said

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