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"Wilbur." I laugh into the kiss.

"What?" He asks quietly as he slightly pulls away.

"You said you were gonna go stream ten minutes ago, you've been kissing me for the past ten minutes." I laugh.

"We've been inseparable for the last month, you just expect me to be able to stop?" He teases as I giggle.

The past month had been spent with Wilbur healing, which consisted of weeks where we did nothing but cuddle together and watch movies.

"Will it'll only be a few hours." I say.

"I can't take my eyes of you for a few hours! I can barely do it for five minutes!" He whines as a deep blush washes over my face.

"Well you're gonna have to do it." I laugh as he dramatically falls over onto the bed. "You'll be fine."

"No I won't love!" He complains.

Wilbur had recently moved out of his office and we turned our guest room into his office so we could both be at home together.

"I'll be right down the hall." I laugh as I put a hand on the side of his face.

"Fine." He says as he sits up. "I love you, i'll see you soon!"

"Have fun, I love you." I smile as he quickly kisses me before going to his office, leaving me missing his touch immediately.

I turn on his stream on my laptop, and watch as I practice the guitar for the upcoming Lovejoy gig that I'll be playing at.

"If you hear the guitar in the background that's Melody, oh chat guess what! I convinced Mel to play at our next concert!" Wilbur smiles. "Do you guys wanna say hi to Melody real quick? I'll go get her!"

I hear Wilbur walk into the bedroom and smile at me.

"Do you wanna come say hi real quick?" Wilbur asks.

"Sure!" I smile. We walk into Wilbur's office, and I sit down in his chair and put on his headphones while he stands behind the chair, crouching down so chat can still see him while he drapes his arms over my shoulders. "Hi chat!"

"I told them about the next Lovejoy gig." Wilbur smiles.

"I saw." I smile.

Suddenly, Sapnap starts calling.

"Can I answer it?" I ask.

"Of course." Wilbur smiles.

"Melody!" Sapnap says excitedly as I answer the call.

"Sapnap!" I smile, matching his tone.

"How are you?" He asks.

"Good! How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good." Sapnap smiles. "Are you exited to play at the gig?"

"Mhm!" I smile.

"I'll be there." Sapnap grins.

"Really?" I gasp.

"Yeah! I'm visiting George." Sapnap says.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!" I say excitedly as Wilbur smiles.

"Well I'll let you go now, bye Melody!" Sapnap says.

"Bye Sap!" I grin before the call ends.

After a bit I go back to my room and keep playing the guitar. After a few hours, and my phone starts blowing up on twitter.

name || username1
I hate Melody and Wilbur being together...she's obviously just using him cause she just flirted with Sapnap without hesitation.

name || username2
reply to @username1
tbh i agree...she's such a whore...wilbur deserves better

name || username3
reply to @username2
she needs to get back with that guy she was dating a few months ago, she doesn't deserve someone as amazing as wilbur

name || username 4
Melody needs to go back to being all depressed and start cutting herself again, she deserves it

My eyes flood with tears. A few years ago, self harm was something that I struggled with a lot. It was my only source of coping at that point. When Wilbur found out, he would drive over every day to check on me and make sure I wasn't doing it again, and I stopped.

Wilbur ends his stream and comes into the bedroom, obviously in a bad mood.

"Will? Are you alright?" I ask softly as he sighs and rubs his forehead.

"I'm fine love." Wilbur says while giving me a slight smile.

"Please don't lie to me, you can talk to me." I say.

He comes over and sits on the end of the bed, while I stayed sitting across from him in a chair with my guitar in my arms.

"People on twitter and people in my chat are shipping you and Sapnap and saying all this shit saying I was just 'allowing you' to flirt with Nick and just saying rude shit about you." Wilbur scoffs.

I look down trying to hide my eyes full of tears, debating if I should tell him I saw twitter.

"Melody? Melody did you see twitter?" He asks as I nod. "Look at me." I look up at him, and he was already looking at me. "Nothing they said is true. Melody I don't want anyone that isn't you, you're all I want. I'm not gonna take some fifteen year old kids trying to make someone as perfect as you feel bad. I don't care how many people say stuff like that I don't care if I get 'canceled' for yelling at some brats for saying something about the love of my life Melody. You deserve the world okay?"

I wipe my eyes with a sniffle, and Wilbur opens his arms inviting me into a hug. I go sit by him, and he pulls me into a tight hug as I cry into his chest.

"I just...I just don't understand why they can't just stay out of my personal business. I don't want people to know about the self harm, I don't want people to know about Noah." I cry.

"I know love, and they shouldn't. It's your life and you don't have to let them know every detail okay?" Wilbur says softly as I nod. "I want you to not go on twitter until you figure out how to deal with this, and if that means you want me to say something about it I will okay?"

"Okay." I sniffle.

Lovejoy // Wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now