The Den

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Jisung stirred in his sleep. For a long while he was meddling between unconsciousness and reality. For a short moment Jisung opened his eyes. All blurred he tried to look around but there was nothing definitive. He could slightly see a light heading out somewhere but he didn't know where to and all around him was the same. Rock, rock and more rock all grey with what looked like some drawings and scrape marks all over the place. It took all his effort just to keep his eyes open his vision getting worse and worse. He saw a shadow block out the portion of light and walk towards him then he promptly passed out again.

Next time Jisung awoke he stayed in the same spot just laying there and waiting for his body to fix itself. After his eyes had regained focus he placed his hand on his chest to check for any injuries. From what he could tell his broken rib had fixed but it was still pretty sore.
'Thank god for hybrid healing' Jisung thought as he put his hand back down on the floor and shut his eyes for a moment keeping his breathing normal before taking a proper look around.
He was able to focus on everything. The dark grey walls scattered in all kinds of marks and the multiple rugs all over the floors. Some clean and some covered in mud. He was about to sit up when he heard voices and watched as two different figures walked in the room. He immediately shut his eyes and listened.

"What do you think happened?" He heard a voice say.
"You have already asked me this question twice Felix" the other sounded irritated.
"Sorry Minho, I'm just curious" Felix pouted and grabbed something.
"Curiosity killed the cat" Minho said.
"I'm a wolf" Felix sounded offended.
"You sure?" Minho teased and Felix went to hit him playfully.
"Whatever" Felix moaned and walked out the room.
Jisung listened to Minhos laugh as he could hear the other boy leaving the room with a Hmph. This made Jisung feel a bit better but then everything came flooding back all at once and he pictured Changbin pushing him to leave and watch as he left his friends alone with the group and his parents.

He pictured Changbin and Seungmin in front of him telling him to stop being picky about his food. He remembered how they would also sit next to him and wouldn't let him leave until he learnt to be less picky and get it all down. They would then always chase him around the area trying to catch him despite being adults.
Before Jisung realised it he had fallen into a deep dream.

He could see the sun shining from next to the clouds and see both Seungmin and Changbin in the garden playing around beckoning him to come join them and play with them. He happily obliged and ran up to them when Changbin handed him a sharp knife. Jisung looked down at it confused and then the whole place went dark. The sun had gone behind the clouds and the trees were dead, no leaves in sight.
He looked up to see both of his brothers stood with their back to him a couple metres away with the same knife he was holding sticking out of their backs.
His parents then came into view next to them and turned them around to face Jisung with their hands holding tightly onto his friends.
"Why did you stab us in the back?" Changbin asked tilting his head towards Jisung.
"Why did you abandon us?" Seungmin said also tilting his head.
"What..No no I didn't, you told me to run" Jisung panicked and took a step closer to them running up to them stopping half a meter away from them.
"You left us" Changbin said.
"You abandoned us" Seungmin added.
"YOU KILLED US" Changbin yelled.
"THIS IS YOUR FAULT" Seungmin yelled.
"No no no no no" Jisung put his hands on his ears and shut his eyes as hard as possible saying the same thing over and over again crying relentlessly.

"Hey. Hey. Kid wake up. KID".
Jisung woke up with a jolt sitting up breathing heavily with tears flooding down his cheeks.
He felt someone holding his arms and immediately tried to squirm away and out of their grasp pushing himself into the back of the wall.
"Get off get away" Jisung said keeping his eyes tightly shut waiting to be hit.
"Woah woah calm down I'm not going to hurt you" the voice said in front of him and Jisung slowly opened his eyes to reveal a boy who looked around his age kneeling next to him with slight concern on his face.
Jisung looked at him up and down trying to figure out who this person was. That's when the smell hit Jisung. He could now tell almost immediately where he was.
The smell of fur and slight animal smell. This boy was a werewolf which meant he was in a werewolves den.

Jisung panicked and stood up as quick as he could. That was a bad idea. All the blood suddenly went straight to his head and sent Jisung into a dizzy spell. He would have fallen over if it wasn't for the boy who caught him swiftly in his arms and lowered him back down to the floor.
"Damn kid, trying to escape me already but I haven't done anything" the boy cracked a smile.
Jisung found a strange comfort in the boys smile and calmed himself long enough to allow the boy to help him sit up propped against the wall.
"I'm Minho" the boy said sitting down in front of Jisung.
"Jisung" Jisung replied with one word his instincts screaming at him to run.
"Where am I?" Jisung asked already knowing what the answer would be.
"Why you are in our den of course" the boy from earlier came back with others in tow throwing his arms out saying the words with enthusiasm to make it seem cool and failing.

"Well your finally conscious" the one in the middle walked towards Jisung and Minho stood up and got out the way.
"Nice to meet you I am Chan, the main alpha and leader of this pack".

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