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Jisung was scared. He knew he was showing it. Minho hasn't moved since he used the hybrid word and just watched, waiting for Minho to say something bad or tell him to get lost.
"Why didn't you say so?" Minhos words were not mean or condescending but soft and kind.
Jisung was taken aback by the response of Minho and couldn't say anything. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again unable to form the words.
"Jisung?" Minho tilted his head stepping forward. Jisung then took a step back.
"Please...just...don't" Jisung raised his hands and lowered his head. His mind was running at rapid pace thinking of what he should do. Should he stay? Should he run? Should he fight?
In the end his fear won and he turned and fled. He ran through the woods, no idea where he was going and just ran where it felt right to go. He didn't realise how long he had been running before he came to clearing in the trees and abruptly stopped.

He had come to the edge of the water pool where they had been the other day. Without realising he had ran back to the waterfall. He looked down at the stillness of the water and could picture him watching as Felix and Hyunjin dragged Chan into the water despite his complaints and then as Felix jumped on his back and got Jeongin to get on Hyunjins back so they could play and game and try and push each other into the water.
A tear fell from his cheek as he felt their smiles fade from his mind until only the darkness of the night was seen, the slight light of the moon glistening over the water.
He backed away from the water and turned around to get out of there when his way was blocked. Minho leant his arm on a tree taking a few deep breaths before staring right at Jisung with no intention of letting him go.

"You run so.. goddamn fast" Minho took a breath in the middle but seemed to be smiling.
Jisung freaked. Minho had actually followed him out here. He looked around to find a way to get past Minho but the only way out was the clearing though the trees that Minho had blocked.
Minho could see Jisung's eyes going back and forth knowing exactly what he was doing making sure to block as much as he could with his body.
Jisung was in too big of a mind block to think of anything but escape so doing the stupidest thing he could he ran towards Minho and tried to push past him. Minho grabbed Jisung's arms to try and hold him back but despite looking so small Jisung was strong and Minho was having problems holding him back and was starting to slip and lose his grip, so Minho did the only thing he could think of during this time. He used his own strength to push forward and ran towards the edge and went off into the water dragging Jisung with him.

"Ahhh cold" Jisung's mind cleared up as his head emerged from the water. He rubbed his eyes and pushed his hair out of his face to find Minho stood in front of him. His clothes were soaked and the outline of his six pack began to seep though the thin fabric shirt.
"Will you stop running from me now?" Minho asked shaking his hair out of his face.
Jisung tried to step back but Minho grabbed his waist before he got the chance keeping them close.
"Why did you chase me?" Jisung looked down unable to look Minho in the eyes.
"Well, don't you think the pack will freak out if they wake up to find you missing huh" Minho took his free hand and and lifted Jisung's head up from his chin.
"I'm a hybrid. Your a werewolf" Jisung muttered off the fact.
"And?" Minho tilted his head.
"We are enemies, I don't belong here" Jisung started to tear up again.
Those last four words broke Minhos heart as he watch a tear fall from Jisung's cheek.
Minho took his hand of Jisung's chin and wiped the tear away.

"You could be a quokka or a chipmunk but I don't care" Minho said cupping Jisung's cheek.
"A quokka?" Jisung let out a small smile. Minho brightened up at Jisung's smile.
"Have you been yourself with us?" Minho asked.
Jisung nodded his head wondering about the question.

"Then you shouldn't worry. It doesn't matter if your a hybrid. The second Chan took you to the den you basically joined the pack" Minho reassured Jisung.
"But earlier..Hyunjin said.." Jisung began.
"Hyunjins just being stingy, he was upset at Jeongin. None of us have ever seen a hybrid. We have heard about them but Chan always said 'don't judge people on what you hear but when you meet them'" Minho tried to mimic Chans voice and put on a stern expression pretending to be him.
Jisung chuckled looking at Minho.
"You accept me?"Jisungs eyes were wide with hope.
"Why wouldn't I" Minho tapped Jisung's forehead as if it was plain obvious.
"Thank you" Jisung jumped forward onto Minho pushing them both back into the water. Being at the shallow end Minho sat up from the water being waist deep while Jisung had his hands either side of him an inch from his face. Minho watched as Jisung's eyes widened and shone as bright as the sun while happy tears flooded down his face. Jisung leaned back to stand up but Minho got their first sitting further up and raising his hand to behind Jisung's back stopping him.

He pulled Jisung forward landing his lips onto his. Jisung's eyes widened even more before he returned the gesture and closed his eyes, leaning into the kiss.

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