Taken away

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The rest of the pack stopped what they had been doing and looked up at the two figures they didn't recognise. Minho looked over at Jisung to see his eyes filled with fear. On instinct Minho grabbed Jisung's hand to try and calm him down. He felt Jisung's grip tighten on his hand.
"Of all the places you could have been and you chose here. You really disappoint me Jisung" his dad crossed his arms.
The pack stood up. Minho pushed Jisung behind him and Chan stepped up to the front.
"Who the hell are you? Why have you come into our territory?" Chans eyes flashed red.
"We don't mean to intrude" his mum said sarcastically "we are just here to pick up a runaway".
Jisung's mum pointed at him.
"You are not taking him anywhere" Minho held onto Jisung tightly feeling the fear coming off of his boyfriend.
"I'm afraid that isn't your choice. We are his parents and he will be coming with us" his mum said keeping her sweet tone.
"Over. My. Dead. Body." Minho said.
"If you insist" his dad smirked and then both his mums and dads eyes changed colour. One red eye and one golden brown eye just like Jisung's.

"Your hybrids" Hyunjins voice perked up taking a defensive stance.
Both his parents charged at them. His mum ran to Chan and punched him back to the other end of the cave.
His dad ran to Minho his eyes wide and hand out. Jisung knew what was happening and grabbed Minhos waist twisting him around so Jisung was in between Minho and his dad.
He felt a searing pain down his side as his dads claws pierced his skin as it ripped through. Jisung yelled out in pain and felt his dads arm drag him behind him throwing him onto a pile on the floor then proceeded to kick Minho square in the chest while he was still focused on Jisung. He fell backwards not too far from Chan.
The rest of the pack scurried to Chan and Minho. Felix checked Chan and Jeongin checked Minho was okay while Hyunjin stood defensively in front of them all in case of any unwanted attacks.

Jisung's mum stepped back and walked over to Jisung dragging him up from the arm. Jisung had his left hand on his side feeling the trickle of blood down his side and dripping onto the cave floor.
"Ouch that's quite deep" his mum looked down at Jisung "maybe getting in the way of your father was not a good idea".
Jisung stepped away from his mum and tried to run towards the pack with no avail as his dad punch him square in the stomach. Jisung gasped out as the wind was knocked out of him and fell to the ground in a coughing fit.
Sighing his mum grabbed his collar and pulled him outside the cave holding him there. Jisung didn't know what they were going to do and continued to struggle out of the grip but all he did was cause himself more pain as his mother dug her nails into the back of his neck.
Jisung screeched in pain.

"If that boy screams at the slightest bit of pain he really is a weakling" his father rolled his eyes as he watched Minho and Chan get back up and the entire pack stood side by side.
"Give Jisung back" Minhos words were like acid as his eyes bore into Jisung's dad like a knife.
"Jisung was never yours. You were just borrowing him" his dad put his hand in his pocket.
"Don't take about him like he is just some kind of object. He is a person" Minhos rage was building up inside of him and was ready to burst. He took a step closer to the dad clear he was ready for a fight.
"As much as I would love a fight and to watch you all die I'm on a tight schedule and don't get paid for killing randomers. You guys should consider yourself lucky I don't kill you" his began walking backwards.
"Don't worry I'll make it quick" Minho was pissed.

"Aren't you a funny thing thinking you can beat me, ha. But don't worry I won't leave you empty handed" his dad took his hand back out of his pocket to reveal a small device with a red button.
"That's a detonator" Felix's eyes widened.
"Very perceptive wolf, before we entered I made sure to plan out the little surprise. I may not have time to kill you but I certainly can't let you go free" his dad turned and ran pressing down on the trigger.
Minho ran forward shaking Chan's arm off of him and tried to catch up with the dad however he was too far away. Jisung's dad made it out the cave as the explosives went off. Each side of the entrance of the cave blew up, red and orange flames slamming against the rock as it collapsed.

Minho stopped and held his hand in his face as dust and rock filled the cave. When it cleared up Minho opened his eyes checking himself for injuries then looked in front of him. The cave entrance was completely gone only small portions of light getting in with large chucks of rock not giving anywhere to get out from. He pushed on the rock and tried to call out for Jisung.
"JISUNG, JISUNG CAN YOU HEAR ME, WE WILL COME FOR YOU OKAY" Minho had no idea if Jisung could hear or not but could feel himself tearing up. He punched at the rock again and again blinded by pain and guilt.

"Minho stop your going to hurt yourself" Chan came up behind him and grabbed his arm mid punch while he held the other one on his chest.
"We have to get him" Minho turned around with tears in his eyes.
"And we will Minho we will" Chan led Minho to sit down and rubbed his back calming him as much as he could.

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