Waterfall fun

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"I'm winning" Jeongin said running slightly faster then stopped at a clearing in the trees.
"No fair I didn't know it was a race" Felix pouted then felt Hyunjins hand on his shoulder.
"You were just too slow cutie" Hyunjin teased Felix pinching his cheeks softly.
Jisung blinked and looked through the trees. They were right the waterfall was beautiful and by the bottom was a large pool of water.
"Me first" Jeongin ran and jumped into the pool.
"HEY" Felix laughed and ran after Jeongin "CANNON BALL".
A massive splash hit Jisung slightly who watched the two boys play tackle each other in the water.
"Want to join them?" Jisung jumped and turned around to see Minho who was happy with his reaction.
"It looks cold" Jisung looked at the glistening water.
"Come on gotta live a little" Minho nudged Jisung.
"I'm good" Jisung shook his head. It looked fun but he didn't want to intrude.
"Guess we are doing this the hard way" Minho sighed and before Jisung could stop his Minho picked him up bridal style and carried him to the water.
"MINHO, put me down" Jisung felt so embarrassed and Minho went waist deep into the water and dropped him. The water hit Jisung and he came back up for air looking at Minho.
"Oh hell no" Jisung jumped up and jumped onto Minho pushing him into the water.
Jisung's worry's and concerns about the group went away as Minho came back up and gave an evil grin before coming back after Jisung. He saw this coming and tried to run away but Jeongin and Felix blocked his way from the left and Hyunjin from the right.
"WATER FIGHT" all three of them yelled at the same time and Jisung got blasted by water from all directions.
He splashed water back and it turned into all our warfare. Back jumps. Head locks. And a tired Chan.
Chan just sat there on the side deciding to stay out of the trouble.
Jisung didn't realise how much time had gone by until Chan yelled for the fourth time for everyone to 'get their ass's up here and dry off so they could head back'.

By the time they made it to the cave it was getting late and the sun was setting. The dinner was the leftovers from yesterday. It wasn't as appetising for Jisung and it made him full but he wanted something else. He wanted some blood as then he wouldn't feel as sore anymore as drinking blood speeds up his healing quicker than werewolf healing.
Bedtime came quickly and before Jisung knew it he was staring at the ceiling in the dark.
He looked over at Minho who seemed to be fast asleep. He looked so peaceful and Jisung smiled as he had been so evil a while ago dumping him into the water.
"Ass" Jisung whispered jokingly to himself chuckling. He felt so happy and his face hurt from how much smiling he had done today. This was the first time in a long time he could really be himself and enjoy being alive. He closed his eyes smiling but his dream was not the same.

Jisung ran as fast as he could through the woods. He was running through all the trees gasping for air as the branches scratched his arms as he brushed past them.
He broke into the clearing and looked ahead of him. The cave in front of him was stained with blood. The pack laid splayed about. Hyunjin and Jeongin were by the entrance limp on the floor eyes closed. Jisung couldn't tell if they were breathing or not. Chan was laid against a tree blood pooling from his chest onto the grass staining it red. His hand clutched onto Felix who was lying next to him on his back.

Jisung was horrified, too scared to move when something grabbed his leg. He screamed and looked down to see Minho breathing heavily looking up at him, his eyes hollow and broken.
"MINHO" Jisung knelt down and propped up Minho on his knees holding his hands on his chest stopping his blood from seeping out
"Why...why Jisung" Minho heavily let out the words and his eyes fluttered shut.
"Minho..MINHO stay with me" Jisung's heart rate went off the chart.

"Too late I see" a familiar voice echoed in Jisung's ears.
Jisung looked up knowing full well who's voice it belonged to. His dad came out from the cave followed by his mother, both stained in the blood of the pack.
Jisung couldn't get any words out he just sat their frozen not letting Minho go.
"Come Jisung, we are taking you home. Get away from that thing so we can finish him off" his mothers eyes turned blood red as she came towards them.
"NO, YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HIM" Jisung shielded his body in front of Minho to stop his parents getting any closer.
"Move Jisung, we will go through you if we have to" his father rushed and grabbed Jisung by the collar flinging him back, hitting the floor with a bump.
"NO" Jisung scrambled towards Minho tears blurring his eyes as he ran forward.

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