Plan of attack

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"Minho this is not the time" Chan said sternly.
"No if I'm going to save my boyfriend I want to know I can trust them" Minho crossed his arms watching as surprised expressions crossed their faces.
"You guys are dating" Changbin exclaimed looking at Seungmin, his eyes wide in shock.
"Damn not even out of our sight for long and the boy gone got himself a boyfriend" Seungmin looked impressed.

"Wait this isn't the time for this" Changbin shook his head and looked back at Minho "We love our brother and want to protect him. You say you don't know if you can trust us but if we weren't on your side why would we come free you".
"Yeah if we wanted to you dead we wouldn't need to lead you into a trap, we would just leave you to starve in there and die" Seungmin was more blunt.
"Good enough reason for me" Hyunjin finally spoke.
"Wise words from a wise man" Felix leaned over Jeongin to Hyunjin teasing him. Hyunjin tried to grab him but Felix leaned out of his reach.

"I see why Jisung liked you guys" Changbin chuckled.

While Felix and Hyunjin teased each other Chan went and talked to Seungmin and Changbin. Minho saw them in deep conversation but decided not to get involved. When it looked like they were done Chan turned around and clapped his hands getting the packs attention.
"Since it's late we are going to sleep here tonight and leave early morning" Chan said.
As everyone complained he ushered them to go in the cave but not to trip over the rocks and sleep away from the entrance. He went straight over to Minho knowing he will be the one to convince the most.
"Before you even say anything, no we cannot go now. They are hybrids, they work better at night than we do. We promise to go early morning and don't think of running off because you have no idea where you are going" Chan said instantly.
"I didn't say anything" Minho said.
"Were you" Chan raised an eyebrow.
"No...maybe...ok yes" Minho sulked and Chan put and arm on his shoulder and both went into the cave.

Early morning came slow for Minho and it took him a while to get to sleep but woke up instantly when he heard Chan getting everyone to wake up.
Felix was the last one to get up because he refused to wake up and it took 'HELLO SUNSHINE, WAKEY WAKEY' from Hyunjin to get him up. Needless to say Hyunjin got a pebble to the neck.

After a swift breakfast everyone made sure they had what they needed on them which was only clothes and a snack since Changbin keep complaining he was hungry even after breakfast.
"If everyone's ready let's go save our boy" Seungmin said as they left the cave and began running. They were faster than the pack so they had to slow down to make sure they didn't lose the pack on the way there.
A good half an hour later Seungmin and Changbin stopped. The pack came to a halt and looked though the trees to see a massive house around triple maybe even quadruple size of their cave.
"Since it's early morning there won't be any visitors coming so we don't need to worry about unexpected guests" Seungmin looked around.
"Since we live here we can check to make sure no one is around when you guys come in but we need to be extra careful. The boiler room where Jisung is, but it is in the heart of the house and extremely hard to get to without being seen but miracles exist. Well I hope they do" Changbin beckoned for them all to follow him.
They hid by the front of the house ducking while Seungmin and Changbin checked inside to make sure the coast was clear.
When it was they used hand gestures to get them in.
"Right the boiler room is through that door then two doors right and down the stairs. But we need to hurry before we are spotted" Changbin said.

"Too late" a voice boomed from the main stairs.
Everyone looked up.
"Shit. Hi dad I hired some new cleaning staff" Changbin smiled hastily.
"You lot should have stayed in your cave" the dad said.
"Let's hope your miracles do exist" Seungmin said to Changbin.

Changbin turned to go through the door but it was blocked by their mum. All other exists were blocked by the guards their family kept around in case a prisoner escaped.
"I don't have time for this" the dad jumped from the stairs in front of the doorway that would lead to the boiler room "get them".
All the guards and the mum reacted at once getting out their claws and attacking. The pack put on a defensive stance. Everyone was fighting hard except for Minho who was left alone.
He looked to see Jisung's dad point his hand at him and beckon him to come to him.
"You were asking for a fight earlier or are you gonna run away now" the dad smirked.

Minho didn't have to hear anymore. He ran straight at the dad and grabbed hold of his neck pushing him though the doorway. They both fell to the ground rolling around on the floor. The dad used his legs and pushed Minho off him and at the table hitting the corner of it on his head.
He felt a large sting and put his hand to the back of his head seeing small droplets of blood on his fingertips. He didn't have time to do anything though as the dad came charging at him and flung him across the room.
Minho got straight up and as the dad charged again punched him square in the face with his right hand and then scratched his cheeks with his left hand using his claws.
The dad yelled back in pain and put his hand to his cheek.
"Oh, now I'm pissed" the dads eyes changed colours to red and golden brown then proceeded to attack Minho.
Minho got some attacks in but on his own he was no match for the older hybrid and tended to be more on the defensive. Attacks kept flying at him and he couldn't block them all and it got to the point where he was thrown to the floor and hit his back on the sofa.
He was too tired and in too much pain to fight straight up and stayed on the floor.

"Is that all you've got? Wow you were a waste" the dad crouched down and wiped the blood off Minho head and licked it off his fingers.
"Hmm AB blood, surprising. I guess your not going to be entirely worthless" the dad stood back up and dragged Minho into a standing position.

"You want to see my son correct. I guess you shall have your wish" an evil smile crept up on his face as he dragged Minho out the room and threw him down the stairs.
He walked past Minho gasping for breath and unlocked the door with a clunk.

He dragged a chair from outside into the room with Minho and forced him to sit on it. The dad proceeded to tie his legs to the bottom of the chair and arms to the top.
Minho looked around and saw in front of him was a small figure in the darkness.
Jisung was as still as the dead and his eyes were tightened shut.
"Jisung. Jisung are you okay?" Minho croaked coughing up some blood.
In that instant Jisung's eyes shot open and looked at Minho with wide eyes.

"AB blood".

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