Save them

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"NOO" Jisung yelled as he watched the cave entrance collapse. He watched his dad look satisfactory at his work and walked over to him and his mother.
"Now that those lowlifes are out of the picture it's time to go home" his dad brushed his hands together.
"No I'm not going. I'm going to get them out" Jisung said struggling while crying his eyes out.
"When did you become so disobedient?" His mum grabbed his hair forcing Jisung to look at his mum and dad.
"Your going home" his dad said sternly slapping Jisung in the face.
Jisung's head twisted left at the slap but turned his head back and looked his dad in the eyes.
"NO" he replied.
His dad got fed up being constantly denied and grabbed Jisung by the throat lifting him up off the ground. Jisung grabbed his dads wrists trying to get him to let go but wasn't strong enough. He felt his vision begin to blur and black circles soon filled his eyes.
"The last thing he heard before he passed out was "Jisung can you hear me".
"Minho.." Jisung whispered before he blacked out.

A headache. That was the first this that hit him when he finally came around. He fluttered his eyes open blinking a few times before his eyes focused. He was being carried by his mother and they were heading down a pathway. Jisung looked up and his heart froze. They were walking down to the house.
"Ah your awake perfect timing. Now I don't have to carry you all the way through the house to the boiler room" his mum put him down but held onto his collar as he was dragged into the house.

He didn't look up and kept staring at his feet to see as little as possible before he heard a voice.
"Jisung" it was a kind but sad voice. He could recognise it anywhere.
"Changbin" Jisung ran and his mother let go of his collar. He ran into Changbin's arms crying.
His father locked the door behind him and watched his son exchange with his brother.
"Me and your mother have something to do. You can have 5 minutes with your brother then your going down to the boiler room for punishment" his dad left the room with his mother.
Jisung looked at Changbin to see his arms were covered in cuts all in different stages of healing.
"Your arms" Jisung traced some of the cuts "this is my fault isn't it".
"I helped you escape, I already knew the consequences" Changbin smiled putting Jisung's hair out of his face.
Jisung was crying even more than he was before.
"Wait where Seungmin, is he okay?" Jisung panicked as he looked for his other brother.

Jisung turned around to see Seungmin holding an okay sign with his hand.
That was all it took. Jisung broke down. He fell to his knees and Changbin caught him as Seungmin ran towards him.
"Hey, hey it's okay" Changbin rubbed Jisung's back while he cried into his arms. Seungmin tossled Jisung's hair.
"I missed you both so much. I didn't know what would have happened to you or if you were okay" Jisung said through tears.
"We are alright" Seungmin looked hurt by the pain in his brothers eyes but kept up a smile to help him feel better.
"You need to save them" Jisung begged clinging to Changbins shirt.
"Save who?" Changbin asked wiping Jisung's tears from his cheeks.
"My need to save them they are trapped in the cave" Jisung's eyes were full of worry.
Suddenly he could hear his parents voices and steps coming towards them.
"Leave through the front and run through the woods until you reach a waterfall. Turn left and head forwards until you come to a clearing with a cave, you can't miss it. Please I beg you" Jisung quickly gave directions before his dad grabbed his arm and hauled him up.
"Walk ahead. You know where your going and don't try and run you will just make it harder for yourself" his dad pushed him forwards.
"Please Changbin, Seungmin" Jisung took one last look at them before he disappeared from view.

Jisung walked down the stairs as slow as possible which his dad kept jarring at his back to get a move on. When they reached the boiler room he entered looking at the claw marked walls. This place was where many prisoners were kept by his parents when they wanted information and would torture them until they got the information and then kill them.
Jisung had been down here a few times himself. As a prisoner and forced to watch his parents torture others so he could 'learn the art of getting information'.
His dad put a chain on his right hand and stepped back.
He walked to the corner of the room and grabbed a long black whip with spikes on one end.
"You should consider yourself lucky. I wanted to teach you a better lesson but your mother said I've already hurt you and starving you of blood would be more beneficial" his dad pointed a finger at him not being very happy "but when did I ever listen to your mother".

His dad smirked and flung the whip at Jisung catching his shoulder ripping through the flesh. Jisung yelled in pain unable to sooth himself as it came at him again connecting with his wounded side making the wound even worse than it already was.
"Don't worry your healing should kick in so you won't die. But you will be needing blood pretty soon with all that blood loss" his dad watched as a puddle of blood formed on the floor tutting.
He then threw the whip to the other side of the room and left.
Jisung heard the door lock and his dads footsteps slowly fade off into the distance.
He sat down and put his head against the wall. He had been through this many times before and was ready for how much pain it would bring him. He began to freak out slightly but then pictured Minho in his mind.

"Shhh it's okay. Your going to be fine, I'm always here for you" Minho slowly stroked his cheek when he felt overwhelmed.
"Thank you" Jisung smiled.
Minho leaned over and gave him a short but sweet kiss on the lips then on the forehead. Jisung smiled happily his eyes brightening up.

"I hope your okay Minho. I hope all of you are okay" Jisung said to himself and closed his eyes.

"Come on, hurry up your going to get us caught" Changbin whisper yelled at Seungmin back upstairs.
"One moment I'm grabbing my coat" Seungmin pulled his arms through his coat.
"Your willing to get us caught for your freaking coat" Changbin asked annoyed.
"It's my favourite coat and it's already hitting dusk. I ain't freezing" Seungmin ran to Changbin and they both quietly left the house running off into the woods.

"Okay so we run to the waterfall and then do we turn left or right" Changbin asked as they ran.
"I think it was left" Seungmin said.
"Are you sure?" Changbin asked.
"Pretty sure" Seungmin nodded.
"You don't know" Changbin faceplanted.
"Well you didn't have a clue so don't go blaming me" Seungmin scoffed.
"Oh god we are gonna get lost" Changbin sighed.
"It's gonna be a long night" Seungmin rushed slightly ahead of Changbin into the setting sun.

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