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"Come on I want to have fun. I want to play in the field and woods" Jeongin complained dragging one of the last few dead bodies to the outdoor bin round the back ready for incineration.
"Yeah this is just hard labour" Felix complained throwing a shoe in the bin.
"It's nearly done. Come on after this you guys can go play. This is a pain but it's better than waking up on the morning, walking downstairs and going dead body 1, dead body 2, oh dead body 3 had a bad day" Seungmin said and the two boys instantly shut up and finished the job.

A few hours later everything was pretty much done. Bodies removed, broken things gone and eaten waffles. Now they just needed to order more stuff to fill the room again but that would take time.
"Since everyone has been so helpful now we can all go into the garden and relax" Chan said walking through the house to the back where there was a big field and opened the door.
Before he could say anything else Felix and Jeongin rushed outside and began rolling on the grass then chasing each other round in circles.
The rest of them came out a moment later and Hyunjin was dragged in to play with Felix but Hyunjin didn't want to go by himself so grabbed hold of Seungmin who was nearby but he was not going to go down alone and grabbed hold of Changbin and dragged him with him to the area when they were playing. They looked like an odd snake.

Chan, Minho and Jisung all sat down on the side and watched. Minho had his hand around Jisung's waist keeping him close.
Since they got Jisung back Minho had been very protective of him and would barely let him out of his site without knowing where he was going first.

"You happy my Quokka" Minho pinched Jisung's cheek.
"I'm happy" Jisung smiled and leaned on Minhos shoulder. Minho gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"Please just make me a third wheel. Something I've always wanted to be" Chan exclaimed and the two boys chuckled at Chan.

Everything seemed quite peaceful with the soft air blowing in their faces and the sun shining down on the grass. Jisung could have sworn he would have fallen asleep there and then until he heard his name.

"Jisung we need you" Jeongin ran over and grabbed Jisung's hand "we need one more player to make the teams even".
Jisung groaned wanting to lie in the sun and do nothing but allowed himself to be taken by Jeongin knowing full well he wouldn't be able to escape Jeongin's pleads for him to play.
He got up and went over to the game area and learnt of the game they were playing.
While this happened Chan and Minho remained sat down.
"Thank god I really don't have the energy to play games with them" Chan sighed watching happily.
"Yeah it's nice just to watch" Minho agreed.
They watched as the rest of them played games for the rest of the day.
"No fair...CHAN, JISUNG IS CHEATING" Felix chased Jisung around the field after he stole the red ball before completing the obstacle course and ran off with it. The rest of them also chased Jisung as he ran for his life screaming for Minho to come save him.

Soon it was dusk and they were still playing outside. The sun has begun to set and the orange sky spread across the field like wildfire.
"Right everyone, inside we are going to have food then watch a movie and go to bed" Chan yelled across the field and Felix and Jeongin ran inside.
"How do they still have so much energy?" Chan scratched his head.
"Kids are like unlimited Wi-Fi. They never run out" Minho shook his head and waited for Jisung then slung his arm around him and walked inside.
"What movie do you want to see?" Minho asked.
"Anything but horror. I've been scared enough to last a lifetime" Jisung complained putting his hand on his head.
"Whatever you say babe" Minho chuckled and they both walked out of the room into the distance laughing.

Crash. Bang. Screech.
Outside the bin behind the house began to turn and shutter side to side until a hand stuck itself outside the bin. First a hand, then an arm, then a torso. A body ripped itself out of the bin and fell onto the gravel with a groan. They slowly stood themselves up and brushed themself down then walked away from the bin.
They looked in the window to see a group of 8 boys sat around the tv laughing and throwing popcorn at each other. In the middle sat Jisung all cuddled up in Minhos arms.
The persons face darkened as they saw the happy smile plastered on Jisung's face.
"I told you I was going to make your life miserable until I die Jisung and that is exactly what I am going to do" the person turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

"Jisung's what's up?" Minho asked as Jisung had tore his eyes away from the tv to the window.
"Hmm, nothing I just got an uneasy feeling. Yknow like someone is watching me" Jisung said holding onto Minhos arm.
"That might be me, especially with what I'm thinking of doing to you tonight" Minho put his mouth to Jisung's ear and whispered.
"Minho" Jisung gasped and slapped his arm hiding his face in embarrassment.
"Something wrong huh" Minho began tickling Jisung who burst out in laughter.
"Stop it. Ahh" Jisung couldn't speak with him laughing too much.

"Okay" Minho said a moment later and let go but his sinister smirk made Jisung think he was up to something.
"What are you up to?" Jisung asked cautiously.
"Whaaaa. Why would you think I'm up to something?" Minhos smirk turned into an innocent facade.

He suddenly felt two arms snake around him and put him back holding his arms in place.
"Changbin what are you doing?" Jisung gasped.
Changbin laughed as the rest of the pack surrounded Jisung with their hands making gestures.
"Tickle time" Felix got their first as began tickling Jisung on the side.
Jisung howled in laughter and pain as the pack began trying to tickle him.
At first it was just him but then Hyunjin tickled Felix's neck. Felix ducked and turned around then pounced on Hyunjin trying to get him back. This set everyone else off and soon everyone was trying to hide their sides from the others.

Minho laughed as he watched Jeongin on Chans back trying to tickle him while Chan was trying to shake him off.
He suddenly felt two hands grab him tickled him right in the side. He saw Jisung with a smile on his face as he tried to stop himself from laughing but he couldn't take it anymore.
"Jisuunnggg" Minho howled as he pulled Jisung's arms further forwarded and pulled them round him making Jisung give him a back hug.
"Payback is sweet huh" Jisung whispered to Minho as they watched the rest of the pack still tickling each other in all out warfare.

Soon everyone was heading to bed. Minho and Jisung were the last to leave as Minho said goodbye to the rest he looked to see Jisung was fast asleep on his chest.
He smiled and traced his finger round Jisung's lips then gave him a little peck on the cheek. He moved down slightly and rested his head on the cushions then fell asleep next to his boyfriend as happy as could be.

Moments later the door of the house opened and closed with a slight creek. The small light from the lamp in the corner was blocked by a shadow placing Minhos and Jisung's bodies in darkness.
They put a folded up piece of paper on the coffee table in front of them saying 'To Jisung, your eyes only'.
The shadow crouched down by the sofa stroking a piece of Jisung's hair leaving a blood droplet tangled between the hairs then left as if they had never been there.

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