Minho be strong

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"Are we stuck in here" Felix asked as he let out a cough.
"At the moment yes but we will find a way out" Chan said keeping everyone calm and reassured.
"And then we will go and get Jisung" Minho sat in the corner anger over his face.
Jeongin and Felix had been trying to calm Minho down and had only recently managed as he kept pacing and trying to break the rocks but Chan said if he kept doing that it would collapse inwards and flatten him into flat Stanley.

Hyunjin had remained fairly quiet throughout this entire thing just watching everyone. Minho in particular.
"You knew didn't you?" Hyunjin finally spoke up getting everyone's attention. He didn't say who he was talking to but was staring straight at Minho so it was clear who his question was to.
"Knew what?" Minho looked at him annoyed.
"Jisung's parents came in and we all just found out they were Hybrids which also makes Jisung a hybrid however when we were told you didn't even flinch" Hyunjin stated off facts.
Minhos facial expression didn't change, in fact he didn't even move staring right at Hyunjin before letting out a sigh.

"So what if I did" Minho blinked.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Hyunjin leaned forwards scowling.
"It wasn't my secret to tell" Minho replies matter of factly.
"WELL YOU SHOULD HAVE" Hyunjin yelled the tension in the room getting worse.
"BOTH OF YOU STOP" Chan yelled even louder than the two stopping them in their tracks "I know we are all upset but yelling at each other is not going to help".
It went quiet until Minho spoke again at regular volume.
"Would you have treated him any differently if you knew?" Minho asked Hyunjin.
Hyunjin looked at Minho but didn't answer the question and leaned back against the wall.

"Will you still help me save him now you know?" Minho changed up his question.
Hyunjin took in a deep sigh. The silent tension unbearable.
"Of course he will, we all will" it was Felix who broke the silence "he is our friend, doesn't matter if he's a hybrid. It's like Minho said he's our Quokka".
"Do you even know what a Quokka is Felix" Chan asked putting his arm on his propped up knee.
"No idea but he's ours" Felix balled up his fist and tried to look menacing.

"Aww it's a little angry cinnamon roll" Jeongin cooed.
"Come here" Felix took a swipe a Jeongin who dodged it.
Everyone let out a chuckle lightening the mood while they tried to figure a way out.

It was almost dark when Seungmin and Changbin reached the cave. They luckily went the correct way and found the cave.
"Wow they are certainly trapped" Seungmin walked over and observed the collapsed cave entrance looking for any weak spot.
"Certainly" Changbin agreed.
"Hey is anyone is there?" Seungmin asked at the rocks. He felt a bit dumb. "Er MINHO. It is Minho right?" Seungmin looked at Changbin who nodded.
"Hello" a voice came from the cave.
"Hello. Is this Minho?" Changbin asked.
"No this is Jeongin, but Minhos here with me" Jeongin chirped up.
"Who's there?" Another voice from the cave was heard.
"No idea but they seem to know Minho" Jeongin said.

Seungmin and Changbin looked at each other while they heard noises in the cave. They couldn't understand all that was said and just hoped that someone would tell them soon.
"Who are you? How do you know my name?" A deeper voice came from the cave. The boys guessed it was Minho.
"I'm Seungmin and the man next to me is Changbin. We are friends with Jisung and he told us you were all trapped in a cave and needed help" Seungmin said.
There was silence from the cave for a good few moments before the voice spoke again.
"Is he okay?" The voice cracked as he spoke.

Seungmin and Changbin looked at each other struggling to answer the question. Yes he was alright at the moment but they know what happens when you commit a great offence against their parents and running away is the worst offence you can have.
"He's fine." Changbin said keeping his own voice from breaking.

"But first we need to get you all out of this cave" Seungmin changed the subject.
"How?" A new voice came from the cave.
"We need everyone in there to go to the back of the cave. There's a weak spot at the bottom of the pile. I'll destroy this rock and the whole thing will crumble so everyone needs to back away" Seungmin said and nodded for Changbin to get ready to help him destroy the bottom rock.
They waited until they got the okay from the people in the cave.
"Felix get over here" they heard a voice "okay now we are ready".

Seungmin and Changbin timed their punch at the same time. They hit it once. They hit it twice. They hit it a third and it cracked in half, falling apart.
They both stood backwards and watched as the whole thing came down leaving rock all over the floor but enough room to climb over the rocks and get out.
They watched as 5 different people emerged from the cave.
"Thank you" the one leading said "I'm Chan. This is Felix, Jeongin, Hyunjin and Minho".
Chan pointed to each of the pack mates when he noted their name each giving a little wave.
"He's hot" Jeongin suddenly blurted out as he admired Seungmin.
"Jeongin" Chan nudged him.
"He's not wrong they are both hot" Felix agreed looking at Changbin coughing straight afterwards to cover it up.

"Thank you again for helping us out of there" Minho changed the turn of the conversation.
"Your welcome we're always ready to help Jisung when he needs it" Changbin nodded.
"Does that mean you will help us save him?" Felix asked.
"Yes. We tried to help him before by helping him run away but our parents found him. We want him to be free of their clutches forever" Changbin said and Seungmin agreed.
"We will take you to our house where he is being kept at" Seungmin said.
The pack nodded and Felix and Jeongin fist bumped getting ready to get their buddy back.
"Wait" Minho stopped them "How do I know I can trust you?".

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